One-Liners and More PPE v1.40 -By: Liquid Flesh Are you running PcB but wishing for the One-liners, Last Few Callers, status screens that are so common among 'forum hacks'? Then wish no more! 'One-Liners and More' allows you to have all those things and more by simply adding one command to your logon file. 'One-Liners and More' allows you to do the following: 1] A choice of displaying any or all of: i) Status Screens : Randomnly display a status screen to the user. You can have as MANY as you want as long as you set the correct value in the config file. ii) Oneliners : Display the familiar one-liners upon logon. The number shown are also configurable. iii) Last Few Callers: Display the last few callers to your system. Displays call #, user, location, connect speed, and Node #. People who wish not to be displayed in the 'Last Few Callers' listing, can simply have their names added to the file ONELINER.PRI. Then, when they log on their alias and user note will be replaced by 'UNPUBLISHED'(or whatever you have in the ONELINER.CFG file). iv) Message from Last Caller(Registered Version): This lets your users leave a witty message to the next person who calls your system. It is only available when the correct registration code is present in the config file however. Your users can leave their message as 'Anonymous' or as their alias. v) External PPE Support: Run any PPE after 'Oneliners and more'. This lets you do just about anything(ie, run WHO.PPE by White Viper). 2] Configurable ANSi: - I tried to include all the ANSi's(in this version, I believe ALL of them are..:) ) in seperate files so that you'll be able to customize your bbs to your own personal tastes. If there's something you can't change and would like to be able to, leave me feedback through my matrix. Files in This Archive --------------------- The following files should be in the archive: ONELINER.PPE - The actual PPE. ONELINER.CFG - Configuration file. ONELINER.ANS - Configurable ANSis, PCBEDIT can be used to change them. ONELINER.ENT - Screen when entering a oneliner. Can be any length. ONELINER.PRI - This file contains the alias' of all users who wish to keep their logins confidential. STATS.??? - Status Screens. ONELINER.DOC - This Doc file. ONELINER.HIS - History of the Development of 'One-liners and More'. MSGNXT.PPE - 'Message from Last Caller' PPE. MSGNXT.ANS - ANSis for 'Message from Last Caller'. MSGNXT.DOC - Doc file for 'Message from Last Caller'. UPGRADE.TXT - Quick Info On Upgrading to this Version. FILE_ID.DIZ - Description file. PWA.NFO - NFO file Installing 'One-Liners and More' -------------------------------- Installation is very simple. Go into PCBSETUP, then into 'File Locations' 'New User/etc', then edit your logon script questionaire to contain the following line: !C:\PCB\PPE\ONELINER.PPE Or something like that, depending upon where you have placed the ONELINER.PPE file. Now, within the directory your PPE resides in, make a sub dir called 'STATS'. In that dir place all of your STATS.??? files. If you don't, strange things may happen. That's all there is to do! Everything is self-explanatory in the config file so enjoy. Registration ------------ To remove the annoying 'UNREGISTERED VERSION' which appears under the 'Last Few Callers' display and bulletin, simply call my board(Annihilation Nation) and move the light-bar down to 'REG a PPE'(I may release the Light-Bar matrix in the future). You'll be asked a series of questions, simply fill them out and a registration code will be generatred. Comments/Suggestions -------------------- If you have any comments or suggestions as to what should be removed/added/ changed/improved in 'One-liners and More' contact me on my board via matrix feedback at: Annihilation Nation 403.430.0052 SysOp: Liquid Flesh [-\/=]