Defjam Productions DJP Menu Rotator v1.0 Coded by Drew Last update 5-2-94 Table of Contents: I. Introduction & Disclaimer II. Installation III. Description of Files IV. Future features V. Known bugs VI. Last words I. Introduction & Disclaimer Put some variety into your menus! This PPE will allow you to randomly display an unlimited number of menus. Additionally, you can specify different menu sets for different users, all depending on their security level! For example, I use three different menu sets for the main menu: User security Type of user Menu Set Number of menus ------------- ------------ -------- --------------- 10 New User 1 1 20 thru 99 Validated 2 6 100 thru 110 Sysop/Cosysop 3 1 So if I wanted to, I could add more menus to any of the menu sets (hereby now termed as "groups") if I wanted to! II. Installation Step 1. Make a directory for the matrix. For example: mkdir c:\pcb\djp\menu I suggest making a subdirectory called djp since I will be releasing numerous other PPE's in the future and it's just nice to be organized. :-) Step 2. Unzip everything into that directory pkunzip dj-mr10 c:\pcb\djp\menu Step 3. Add this to whatever menu or whatever file you usually display in pcbsetup. For example, for the main menu, simply edit both the "BRDM" and "BRDS" files (the default names for your user menu and for the sysop menu). In the file themselves, simply put: !c:\pcb\djp\menu\menu.ppe Or whereever you decided to put this ppe. Instead of modifying the file, you can just put the full-path name instead of the file itself. Basically, however you want to do it. Step 4. Modify all the *.cfg files to your liking. See below for a description of each .cfg file and see inside the .cfg itself for more details. III. Description of Files allgroup.cfg This is the main configuration file for this ppe. It specifies the number of groups you want to have, and the levels corresponding to each group. group#.cfg <-- # is the number of the group For each group, you will have a group#.cfg file. So for group number one, you will have "group1.cfg". These files specify the number of menus for the group, which menu to use (or pick one randomly), and all the file names of the possible menus. mainmenu.doc You're reading it now. mainmenu.ppe Duh. file_id.diz Double duh duh. IV. Future features None planned. V. Known bugs As of 5-2-94 1. None. The code is perfect. :-) VI. Last words This is my third official ppe. Again, it's a fairly small PPE compared to my first one (DJP Matrix). If you have suggestions, comments, gripes, or whatever, you can reach me at my board: The Silicon Phalanx 510-795-0200/0400, 2 nodes 9600-14400 Other DJP ppe's: ---------------- DJ-MAT02.ZIP (version 0.2) DJP Matrix. The superior litebar matrix to use. Random matrix screens, random logon screens, random welcome screens. (version 1.0) DJP User Lister. The most configurable user lister around. Specify just about any of the vital statistics about a user (name, note, last called, areacode, # ul's, # dl's, etc.), pick the display color, and also choose the positioning. (version 1.0) DJP Menu Rotator. This PPE. Peace, --Drew