Enhanced Message Edit Commands HISTORY v1.1 Fixed - While in the "Other command" mode, typing any of the regular letters that are already present in the "Regular" mode would not print out the text corresponding to that command. Ie: type "S" for save would not print out the text "Saving message" as entered inside of STRINGS.CFG. Only the commands not present in "Regular" mode would print out the corresponding text. Now all commands will print out their corresponding text while in "Other command" mode. Changed - Before, when selecting "Cont" for continue message, it would always put the user into the full-screen editor. Now it checks which one is their default and uses the line editor or full-screen editor accordingly. Fixed - I botched when saying that PCBTEXT Prompt #222 needed to be blank. It should also point to the ppe along with Prompt #163. Only prompts #164 and #629 need to be blank. What happened is that if the user was NOT in expert mode, they would just get a "?" for their prompt. Only if the user had expert mode on would the ppe take effect. v1.0 - Initial Release on 12-10-94