LightBar / DOS Matrix v3.5 By: Liquid Flesh ΥΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ Introduction ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ ³ ³ Well, here's the latest release version of the Lightbar/DOS matrix. It ³ makes use of a few of the new commands specific to the 2.O version of the ³ PPL compiler. Some of the new features are: ³ ³ -Requires user to enter password when checking for access. ³ -Turbo Login Feature ³ -And some other miscellaneous internal stuff to increase ³ execution speed. ³ ³ Version 4.O will be released shortly after I get the board set back up, ³ as it will probably be a rewrite of most of the code and I don't like to ³ release things which crash every half hour..:) Some of the features for ³ for 4.O will be: ³ ³ -Complete Logging of all the Matrix Functions. ³ -Ability to chose amongst multiple sysops to leave feedback to. ³ -'Oneliners and More' built in to form a complete frontend. ³ -Optional 'Disclaimer' routines at the begining. ³ -And some other neato stuff..:) ³ ³ ΖΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ Installation ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ ³ ³ First off, unzip MAT35PWA into a directory. Then, off of that directory ³ create the following sub-directories: ³ APPS ³ INFOFORM ³ TXT ³ Now, unzip the TXT.ZIP to the TXT dir and the INFOFORM.ZIP to the ³ INFOFORM dir, Now go through all the .CFG and .PCB files changing ³ whatever is necessary for your own particular setup. ³ ³ Next, you'll have to edit the following entries in PCBTEXT. ³ #149: !C:\PCB\PPE\ANSI.PPE <--Only if you don't already have one ³ there. Mine simply stuffs a 'y'. ³ #259: !C:\PCB\PPE\MATRIX.PPE ³ #260: _ <-- Yes, that's an underscore..:) ³ ³ Now, the final step is to setup the NUV. It should be run as close to logon ³ as possible, as it is used to hangup on new users right after they apply. ³ I simply run it after my oneliners PPE as the external option, but there ³ should be other ways as well... ³ ³ ΖΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ Comments Etc.. ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ ³ ³ As you were probably wondering, yes, you do need to obtain a new ³ registration code.. This is mainly to let me know how much use people get ³ out of all this annoying work..:) Simply call my board and use the online ³ registration generator. Registration is free, but if you have anything you ³ would like to contribute to me or my board, feel free..:) ³ ³ ³ I can be reach on CCi, Interpool, Platinum, ToXiCNet, and just about any ³ other decent net... But, for the quickest response, contact me on my board: ³ ³ ³ --Well, the above info is a bit out of date(only the comments section:), ³ as, at the present moment, my board is down.:( BUT!:), within a week ³ or two(well sometimes in December anyways:) ) it will be back up with ³ new numbers, etc etc. So, until then any questions or registration ³ inquiries that you may have may be directed to me on Mooncrows' Aeyrie. ³ ³ -Thanx...Latron.. ³ Liquid Flesh [PWA] ΤΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ