************************************************************** * JOIN v1.0 * * Written in PPL for PCBoard * * By Teddy - SysOp of the digital Underground BBS * ************************************************************** Pirates with Attitude is a group dedicated to bringing you the finest software also for PCBoard systems. This code was written for the sysops that carry more than one network and don't want thier users to have to scroll to the bottom of a 600+ line file to find the network conferences they want to see. This file is free and requires NO registration. But if you have other PPL Programs , please upload them at my bbs ;-)) Now that all that was said... I carry a couple of networks and each have a LOT of different conferences in them...The main problem was that for people to see the conferences at the bottom of the list, they would have to scroll through some 1200+ conference names. Thus JOIN steps in. JOIN will display ONE screen of NETWORKS to your users and let them select which lists they prefer to view instead of what was being forced upon them. Setting up: There are 2 different types of screens 1, the network screen and 2, the conference screens. The first one you will have to create, the latter you will only have to divide your present conference listing up. NETWORK SCREEN: You must create the NETWORKS screen first that your users will be presented with. The name MUST BE NCNFN. You can add the language suffix if you have more than one language. and also the security suffix (See the NCNFN screens inside this zip). Next it should only be 22 lines long, JOIN places the cursor at the bottom of the screen when asking for an input. Your networks will be numbered 1-?, again see the NWORKS file in this zip. These files MUST reside in a subdir in the PPE dir called NETCNFN. CONFERCENCE SCREENS: The conference screens are the ones that are connected to one single network (Or however you want to list them), and list the conferences available screens. The file names of these are + NET, so if I had 3 different networks, they would be listed under 1NET 2NET 3NET. When the user selects a conference by number, that number is appended to the word NET and then that file is displayed to the user. Again you can attach the suffix to the file for language specific files (ie...1NET.GER 2NET.GER) And you may add also a SECURITY to the files (ie...1NET20 or 2net99.ger) These files MUST reside in a subdir in the PPE dir called NET. So what you should have in your ppe directory when your finished are the following files: NJOIN.PPE and in the NETCNFN directory NCNFN or NCNFN20 (for level 20) or NCNFN20.ger (for level 20 in german language) or NCNFN.ger (for all levels in german language) in the NET directory do the same with xNETxx.xxx PCBSETUP: Now go into PCBsetup to the CMD.LST section: < B: File Locations, B: Configuration Files, CMD.LST > Edit a line to include the following: Command Security PPE/MNU File -or- Keystroke Replacement ======= ======== ======================================== J 0 F:\PCB\PPE\PWAJOIN\JOIN.PPE The command your changing is "Join", Security level at whatever you want, and the path (FULL) to the JOIN.PPE. Thats all there is to it!, Now go into pcboard and select J a conference, you should see the network screen pop up and then from there JOIN will ask which NETWORK you wish to view, and then which conference within the network to join. Support: The Digital Underground BBS - SysOp Teddy History: 05-25-93 þ Release of Version 1.00