ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Art Gallery 1.0 (C)1994, The Calculus Group Coded by Dark Creation ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Description ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Art Gallery 1.0 is a 100% configurable PCBoard 15.1+ PPE that allows users to display ansi's either the sysop or other users have uploaded to the gallery. Includes use of descriptions, artist's name, artists group, and even allows the user to download existing ansi's or upload new ansi's to the gallery. Supports local or remote uploads. Installation ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ First, unzip all the files into the directory you want them to be kept in. (Example - C:\PCB\ART\). Now, load up PCBSETUP and under File Locations choose Configuration Files, and edit the CMD.LST file. Once inside add a command called: ART 0 C:\PCB\PPE\ART\ART.PPE Now edit the ART.CFG configuration file and your all set to go! Removing Entries ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Edit the ART.DAT file and delete the line with the ansi's filename, and the three lines below that. Other ÄÄÄÄÄ If you have any comments, questions, suggestions, or problems please either leave me a message on 'Help All Users' or in AttitudeNet. Also if you find any bugs PLEASE report them to me as soon as possible so I can fix them up. Greets ÄÄÄÄÄÄ To... ù Pnakotic of Gothic for the great menu artwork and for giving me the idea to create this PPE. ù All of the Calculus Group - Dream WEaver, Spider Man, Liquid Flesh, Top Gun, Nemesis, SeKs, Candy Man, Night Crawler, Krhyptic, Cloudsend, Stranger ù Burning Rage for his time spent beta testing this PPE. ù Everybody else in area code (403).