polyester vote v1.0 - programmed by rippa(polyester) release date: 14th november 1997. -ÄÄÄÄ--ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ-Ä ° INTRODUCTION ° -ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ--ÄÄÄ-Ä polyester vote, is a simple yet quite effective ppe. this program was made by rippa, a proud member of polyester. it is a new user voting program. this means that when a new user logs on to a bbs, he/she enters in details on which people base whether they think he/she should enter the bbs. this ppe has been made before, by a person named vigilante/pirates with atittude. i give this person 10% credit for this program :). the reason i made the same sort of ppe, was because provote (his one), never did seem to work on my bulletin board system. it always gave the users like 200 security, and this was unfixable because 200 sec was not on my pword list. and so thus i bring you polyester new user vote. nothing special, a few things i stole from vigilantes provote, and a few i made up. enjoy. ps.. maintenance is done automatically, which means you don't have to del- ete any files. im saying this as a warning.. especially don't delete files from \voting!!! -ÄÄÄÄ--ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ-Ä ° INSTALLATION ° -ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ--ÄÄÄ-Ä unzip the archive into a directory with -d option. put it into login list or your *turbo login list. (* if you're running a turbo login ppe ) -ÄÄÄÄ--ÄÄ-ÄÄÄÄÄ-Ä ° CONFIGURATION ° -ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ--ÄÄ-Ä-Ä edit the configuration file, with your favourite text editor. change what needs changing. (instructions are included in the .cfg). -ÄÄÄÄ-ÄÄÄÄÄÄ-Ä ° DISCLAIMER ° -ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ--ÄÄÄÄ under no circumstance my i be held liable during the use/misuse of this product. this program was made with the utter most care, and i can assure you no physical/internal damages will be caused. although i will not be held responsable of something were to happen. -ÄÄÄÄÄ--Ä-Ä ° CREDITS ° -ÄÄÄÄÄ-ÄÄÄ- firstly i'd like to credit vigilante/pirates with attitude: without provote, i wouldn't have made this ppe. secondly i'd like to credit rorshack/maiden brazil: if you look closely, the design is just like mdn-app.exe (the colours, and the ability to change question up and down..) thirdly i'd like to credit trippah/synthetic: the files 5no/yes-votes.pcb were done by him. thanks trip. -ÄÄÄÄÄÄ-ÄÄÄÄ-Ä-- ° REGISTRATION ° ÄÄÄ-ÄÄÄÄ-ÄÄÄÄ--Ä regestering polyester polyvote isn't a big deal. to register, simply call my board and mail me - 95587366, or e-mail me: Rippa_@Hotmail.Com if you can decompile the ppe, you can hack it.. i really don't care. -ÄÄÄÄ-ÄÄÄÄÄÄ- ° GREETINGS ° -ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ--ÄÄÄ shout outs to: Vigilante, Cronik, Psygnosis, Silverhand, Deathstroke, Trippah, Essence, Vejita Kraze, Digital Vampire, Flax, Abyss, Flame, Syd_Waters, Nutbutter. group shout outs to: apocalyptic visions: you were good but now your dead. toxic krystal: it's a shame i never applied even though i wanted to. instability: these guys kick ass! pirates with atittude: these guys kick as aswell, and they made provote. maiden brazil: no art is finer than ld art. besides, i copied mdn-app.exe :). smack: hey fatcat, any chance on my bbs becoming a smk! site? sick: thanks for giving me complementory sick(chat/news) for psych^rev flax. remorse ascii/trank ascii: i love looking at their packs. force: no matter what av say, they're still a mad group. soap: everyone check out trips/my e-mag :). it's cumming before you do.