polyester quick sysop pager v1.0 - programmed by rippa(polyester) release date: november 7th 1997 -ÄÄÄÄ--ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ-Ä ° INTRODUCTION ° -ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ--ÄÄÄ-Ä polyester quick sysop pager, is a pcsqeeker page, with style. i didn't make this ppe 'cause i needed a new pager (wizpage rocks), i didn't make it to be '3l337', i just made it because i wanted to. some of the features include; silent.lst for people you dont want making noise, "S" feature, for when it shits you and your too busy for chat (S)ilence, and other tiny features. -ÄÄÄÄ--ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ-Ä ° INSTALLATION ° -ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ--ÄÄÄ-Ä unzip the archive into a directory. put it into your CMD.LST file. -ÄÄÄÄ--ÄÄ-ÄÄÄÄÄ-Ä ° CONFIGURATION ° -ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ--ÄÄ-Ä-Ä edit the configuration file, with your favourite text editor. change what needs changing. (instructions are included in the .cfg). -ÄÄÄÄ-ÄÄÄÄÄÄ-Ä ° DISCLAIMER ° -ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ--ÄÄÄÄ under no circumstance my i be held liable during the use/misuse of this product. this program was made with the utter most care, and i can assure you no physical/internal damages will be caused. although i will not be held responsable of something were to happen. -ÄÄÄÄÄ--Ä-Ä ° CREDITS ° -ÄÄÄÄÄ-ÄÄÄ- a big thanks to deathstroke (the greek from poly/av :)).. for doing me a nice ansi indeed. thanks deathstroke - and wheres my siesta?! -ÄÄÄÄ-ÄÄÄÄÄÄ- ° GREETINGS ° -ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ--ÄÄÄ shout outs to: Cronik, Psygnosis, Silverhand, Deathstroke, Trippah, Essence, Vejita, Kraze, Digital Vampire, Flax, Flame, Syd_Waters, Nutbutter. group shout outs to: apocalyptic visions: you were good but now your dead. instability: these guys kick ass! pirates with atittude: these guys kick as aswell, and they made provote. maiden brazil: no art is finer than ld art. besides, i copied mdn-app.exe :). smack: hey fatcat, any chance on my bbs becoming a smk! site? remorse ascii/trank ascii: i love looking at their packs. force: no matter what av say, they're still a mad group. soap: everyone check out trips/my e-mag :). it's cumming before you do.