polyester sysop animator v1.0 - programmed by rippa(polyester) release date: 23rd november 1997. -ÄÄÄÄ--ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ-Ä ° INTRODUCTION ° -ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ--ÄÄÄ-Ä polyester animator, is a simple yet quite effective ppe. this program was made by rippa, a proud member of polyester. it is a sysop-friendly animation program. i made it for all the sysops out there wanting animations, that can't really code print or dispstr commands. well here you go, all you have to do is go into aciddraw and make animations all you sysops! i'm pretty sure it takes ansis.. but do what you want. easy to install/run and can make a board look special. -ÄÄÄÄ--ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ-Ä ° INSTALLATION ° -ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ--ÄÄÄ-Ä unzip the archive into a directory. you can either make a nice little logon animation in login.lst you can make little animations for the top of your menusets etc. the sky's the limit.. can handle upto 9999 lines of animation!! -ÄÄÄÄ--ÄÄ-ÄÄÄÄÄ-Ä ° CONFIGURATION ° -ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ--ÄÄ-Ä-Ä edit the configuration file, with your favourite text editor. Lines 1 and 2 are the x,y pos of animation. Line 3 is the number of lines in the .cfg file (including the top 4!), and line four is the delay time to animate. *note* = to start animation on a new line, simply have something like: Line 1 = psychoti Line 2 = psychotic Line 3 = Line 4 = s Line 5 = se Line 6 = sex so the animation will print: psychotic sex -ÄÄÄÄ-ÄÄÄÄÄÄ-Ä ° DISCLAIMER ° -ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ--ÄÄÄÄ under no circumstance my i be held liable during the use/misuse of this product. this program was made with the utter most care, and i can assure you no physical/internal damages will be caused. although i will not be held responsable of something were to happen. -ÄÄÄÄÄ--Ä-Ä ° CREDITS ° -ÄÄÄÄÄ-ÄÄÄ- this has been an entirely original concept . -ÄÄÄÄ-ÄÄÄÄÄÄ- ° GREETINGS ° -ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ--ÄÄÄ shout outs to: Vigilante, Cronik, Psygnosis, Silverhand, Deathstroke, Trippah, Essence, Vejita Kraze, Digital Vampire, Flax, Abyss, Flame, Syd_Waters, Nutbutter. group shout outs to: apocalyptic visions: where are you? toxic krystal: and where are you? instability: these guys kick ass! pirates with atittude: these guys kick as aswell, and they made provote. smack: hey fatcat, any chance on my bbs becoming a smk! site? sick: thanks for giving me complementory sick(chat/news) for psych^rev flax. remorse ascii/trank ascii: i love looking at their packs. force: no matter what av say, they're still a mad group. soap: everyone check out trips/my e-mag :). it's cumming before you do.