03-25-97 LoopBack 5.05 update info To update an existing LoopBack 5.0x configuration to the new LoopBack 5.05 is a simple matter of copying the following files to your current LoopBack directory. No other changes are neccessary. LOOPBACK.DOC -- LoopBack & LoopUtil documentation LOOPBACK.PPE -- LoopBack Call-Back Verifier (MAIN PPE) LOOPUTIL.PPE -- Main utility & configuration PPE LBKWC -- LoopBack main menu LBKMOD1.PPE -- Prompt file customization [PPE] LBKMOD2.PPE -- Already used number trash can file maintenance [PPE] LBKMOD3.PPE -- Statistics file maintenance [PPE] LBKMOD4.PPE -- Configuration file maintenance [PPE] LBKMOD5.PPE -- Timetables maintenance [PPE] LBKMOD6.PPE -- Name & Security Trashfile maintenance [PPE] LBKMOD7.PPE -- Bad number file maintenance [PPE] LBKMOD8.PPE -- Local areacodes & prefixes maintenance [PPE] LBKBTXT -- Prompt file HISTORY.DOC -- History of changes, additions, & revisions INSTALL.DOC -- Text file containing installation instructions PRODUCTS.TXT -- List and description of all [PPE] programs written by PCS REGISTER.FRM -- Registration form SYSOP.MSG -- Sample external message to send to the SysOp SYSCID.MSG -- Sample external CID message to send to the SysOp USER.MSG -- Sample external message to send to the user USERCID.MSG -- Sample external CID message to send to the user EXTMNU -- LoopUtil main menu