LoopBack v5.05 Installation Documentation Copyright (c)96,1997 by Practical Computer Services ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The following is a list of steps for the first time installation process: Step #1: Create a subdir called LOOPBACK (MD C:\PCB\PPE\LOOPBACK) Step #2: Unarchive the LOPBKxxx.ZIP into a work directory. Step #3: Go into PCBSETUP and add a command for both LOOPBACK and LOOPUTIL into your CMD.LST file (Details on how to are in the LOOPBACK.DOC file). Step #4: Load up PCBoard and type the command that you setup to run the LOOPUTIL.PPE file. (ie., LOOPUTIL) Step #5: Select C to edit your configuration file. (Information on configuration is explained later in the manual.) Step #6: Select P to modify the prompts to your specifications. (The prompting system is explained later in the manual.) Step #7: Select N to modify your "Already Used # File". You can use the BUILD feature to do this. (The BUILD feature is explained later in the manual.) Step #8: Select T to modify the timetables, if you need to use them. (The timetable system is explained later in the manual.) Step #9: Select B to modify the bad numbers file. (This is the file that you want to put 911 in.) Step #10: Select F to modify the name & security trash files to keep out those users that you do not want to be called back. Step #11: Select A to modify the numbers that LoopBack is allowed to callback. (This is explained later in the manual) Make sure you define your dialing templates! (This is explained later in the manual) Step #12: If you wish to install LoopBack as a NewUser login PPE, please read the section in the manual entitled "Executing the LoopBACK.PPE file". Step #13: Read the documentation in its entirety. Step #14: Sit back and relax, your board is now as well protected as it possibly can...Don't forget to register! Thanks.