Ho' House v3.02 Copyright (c)96,1997 by Practical Computer Services HISTORY OF CHANGES, FIXES, & ADDITIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BIG NEWS! BIG NEWS! BIG NEWS! BIG NEWS! BIG NEWS! BIG NEWS! BIG NEWS! BIG NEWS! 09/22/96 Practical Computer Services is proud to be the new owner of this fine software. PCS will now be taking all registrations, releasing all new updates and handling all support questions. See v3.01 release notes for additional information. BIG NEWS! BIG NEWS! BIG NEWS! BIG NEWS! BIG NEWS! BIG NEWS! BIG NEWS! BIG NEWS! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---HOHAUS v3.02 03/24/97 Updated documentation & other text files to reflect new contact information. Web Site: http://www.nerc.com/~pcs/ ---HOHAUS v3.01 10/03/96 Practical Computer Services has purchased the source and rights to Ho' House from GO/4 Software as of 09/22/96. Changes made to the code and related files to reflect this change of ownership. Please direct all questions and registrations to PCS, not GO/4 Software. Company info: Practical Computer Services 483 Klockner Road Hamilton, NJ 08619 Voice: (609) 584-7947 Support BBS: The TAO BBS (609)587-2672 33,600 USR v.everything Internet E-Mail: bob.watson@tao.com VERSION 2.03 - 03.28.95 Sped up the initial entry for new users. If you don't have any whores, it now bypasses the "Lookin'" and goes straight to the game. It still takes a few seconds if you _do_ have whores, sorry about that, but I'm coding around a glitch in the CDC PPL database language. As soon as they fix PPL, I'll do this the proper way. Fixed the Bank. Gods, what a nightmare finding that glitch was! GIGO strikes - amazing what a single character can do to mess up a variable. Minor key routine fix. VERSION 2.00 - 03.22.95 !!! IMPORTANT !!! þ Fixed a bug in the key coding routines. If you have already registered HoHouse, you should be getting a new key shortly, along with a copy of the new 2.00 version of the program. Sorry about that, I didn't write the key coding, and the bugs in it caused several sysops grief. I'll upload new keyed versions to all sysops in the database from Survival, provided I can get upload access on their BBS'. If not, new keys are available for previously registered users free of charge from Survival Tech BBS. þ Added the /MAINT switch to allow for Daily Maintenance to be taken care of by a system event, rather than make the first player of the day sit through it. þ Fixed a minor bug in the banking module that was causing an endless loop condition. VERSION 1.06 - 03.14.95 þ Fixed a Lantastic-specific glitch where filenames not in upper case wouldn't open properly. þ Found a crash point in the doctor module under certain conditions - fixed it. VERSION 1.05 - 03.10.1995 þ Initial Release - Let us know any problems you may have. þ Added Gambling þ Added in new sysop configuration - allows the sysop to control the number of times a user can access the door per real-time day. þ Various cosmetic formatting changes. þ Whoops! Found a glitch in the sysop configuration tool that was not updating the whores when a user was deleted from the game. þ Minor editing changes to the documentation / registration files. þ Fixed indices being left behind by users answering *NO* to the "Are you SURE you want to play" screen. VERSION 1.00 - 02.08.1995 þ Intial Pre-Release for beta testing