__ _ _.-\/- ------------------- --._ _ __ _( X-Chat v0.99 by ViPER^nEON! )_ __ `------:._- --------- -_.:------' `------------\\-' why???? (huh!) ----- - i just wanted a cool multichat ppe! - i found nothing but AEGIS Multichat! (nice one but i don't like the design..) I remembered cool chatlink-sessions in amms X-Chat and decided to bring this great piece of software to PCBoard ;D here it is! (enjoy or die!) the features ---------- - þ Looks and tastes like the original þ Handles unlimited number of nodes þ Fast þ Asynchron input proves that no text gets lost while entering text, reading the Help or doing a nose-fuck... þ Private Messages þ Sysop (or any user with a high security level;)) can kick users off chat þ A simple interface but works great for long chats with many cool dudes:)) the installation -------------- - ...can't be easier 1st step) Create a directory for XChat (eg.C:\PCB\PPE\XCHAT) 2nd step) Put 'XCHAT.PPE' in that directory (and 'XCHAT.CFG' if provided) 3rd step) Add 'XCHAT.PPE' to your CMD.LST (use cmd 'CHAT' or 'XCHAT') 4th step) Create a workdirectory in the ppe's path or anywhere you want (use a fast drive or a ramdisk!) ** DO NOT FORGET TO EDIT XCHAT.CFG LINE 12 OR YOU'LL GET IN SERIOUS TROUBLE! ** 5th step) Read 'CONFIGURATION' below ;)) the configuration --------------- - ...is done via XCHAT.CFG edit 'XCHAT.CFG' with any common texteditor! 1st line) Sysop name (put your handle here, _NOT_ 'SYSOP'!) 2nd line) Message displayed to anyone when a user enters XChat You may use PCB Colorcodes You may use these macros: %NAME% = Name of user who entered %NODE% = Node of user who entered 3rd line) Message displayed to anyone when a user exits XChat You may use PCB Colorcodes You may use these macros: %NAME% = Name of user who exited %NODE% = Node of user who exited 4th line) Message displayed to user who gets kicked by another You may use PCB Colorcodes 5th line) Message displayed to anyone when a user gets kicked You may use PCB Colorcodes You may use these macros: %NAME% = Name of user who got kicked %BOO% = Name of the one who kicked 6th line) Headerline of public message You may use PCB Colorcodes You may use these macros: %NAME% = Guess it! %NODE% = Node of user who wrote that msg %TIME% = Current time (hh:mm:ss) 7th line) Security required to kick users from chat 8th line) Headerline of private messages You may use PCB Colorcodes You may use these macros: %NAME% = You guessed it! %NODE% = Now guess this one! %TIME% = woohaa 9th line) Max # of nodes that can be in chat at same time! (if you have 6 nodes, put 6 here... clear!?;)) 10th line) Color of message text (use ANSI or PCB colorcodes!) 11th line) Chat update frequency in seconds On most bbs 0 works fine, you should only put a higher value here if you are running many nodes on a slow harddrive! 12th line) Path to work directory (On a fast drive or ramdisk!) how to use? --------- - write your messages and anybody in XChat will receive it.. the macros claim to be selfexplinatory so i won't waste my time with describing their functions here again:) do whatcha like but aware of jumping to dos (F5) or launching an online-editor such as CUFE or similar (you have to exit and re-enter XChat after that..) known ploblems ------------ - Q: i pressed F5, did something in the shell and returned to XChat but my node was no longer recognized by XChat! A: Exit and Re-Enter XChat, the Chat-Slot is not longer synchron and gets dropped after a dos-shell! Q: I tried to kick myself (CTRL-D) and XChat sucked down! A: Don't be stupid, never try to kick yourself! Q: I write text but it neither appears on my screen nor on the others A: Exit XChat and Re-Enter if the problem is still present check XCHAT.CFG line 12 (the workdirectory must exist!) Q: I write text and it reaches the others but no messages (not even my own) appear on my screen! A: Exit an Re-Enter XChat Q: I'm chatting with my brand new 2400 baud Supra Faxmodem but the output is rather slow! :( (my mommy didn't want to buy a faster modem!) A: Take a rope and... future? ----- - these fine toys will be added to XChat soon... =þ Chatlink option, connect to another BBS and the users in both bbs can chat with each other (will come with the next version!!) =þ The scrollroutine will be improved! (i know this one is awful on slow nodes ;( sorry) =þ Some more improvements will be there.. watch out! contact ----- - if you wish to get in touch with me for any reason (bugreports etc) or if you want to know where to send money, women, cars, beer and bombs just scall: 01681-1528090, fido: 2:2410/272.9, e-mail: schuster@zedat.fu-berlin.de or try to catch me on irc (nick 'nUT') credits ----- - * Original X-Chat was part of AMMS (c) by Adrock & FastMan * PCBoard code by ViPER^nEON! (c)1996 * Betatesters: SiNUS/fUNK! - X*Press BBS bUTCHER - The Kitchen greezzzZZz -------- - tHUNDER/TH^DNS, mIGHTY j/nEON!, SiNUS/fUNK!, kIFFER, aCARDE & rOLLO, fAZ!/oS!, tERMI/oS!, hUDSON hAWK/oS!, rAY/?, mESS/nEON^cONTRA^mATRIX, fRAU rAULF/PNS, aIRWORX, rADIOSITY/hLM, sEAN/DP, pLASMOID/dP, aNIMAL/sAC and the ones i forgot! mIGHTY j.: kauf mal neue hose!! eNGINE...: judgement day:) rEFLECTOR: sch”n anonym bleiben ;) und nun ein Werbeblock.. (*) n e x t o n y o u r s c r e e n (*) my first ascý disaster.. sponsored by ferrero - esst mehr nutella! THE .______ .______ ._______ ____) /_ ___)__ /_ __) __ /_ / ______ /) / // ( / /___ / // ___/ //______/ _/ .... //_____/ //_ ) ___/ _/ / : : /____/ )____/vp /_____( :.::... : : on his journey through the world :..::... : : :...: AHA, Sie kleiner Schlawiner haben also tats„chlich bis zum Ende mitgelesen :) -- eof