- -------------------- - vOTE v1.0 - -------------------- - by ViPER^nEON (c)1996 introduction ------------ you want your users to vote about things like 'close amiga conference?' but you didn't find a kewl easy-to-use vote-ppe, yet? this one is your solution! features -------- þ Handles up to 99 topics þ 1oo% cursor driven þ users can change their votes whenever they want þ comfortable maintenance (add and remove topics via cursor!) þ needs very few diskspace (depends on your cluster size;)) þ fat outfit þ easy installation þ displays vote# or percental installation ------------ simply copy VOTE.PPE to a directory of your choice... add it to your CMD.LST(s) and read 'configuration' below :) configuration ------------- by default vOTE displays the number of votes in the stats but if you call it ' VOTE.PPE 1 ' in your CMD.LST or whereever... it will display them percental (check it out!) add / remove topics ------------------- only sysop is able to do maintenance jobs (sysop security is taken from pcboard.dat).. you can simply remove a topic by pointing at it and pressing DEL (NO warning message will be displayed, the topic and all stats referring to the topic will be erased immediately - think twice! ;)) to add a topic press INS and the rest is selfexplinatory... (you can have up to 99 topics) there is no edit-function so if you wish to change a topics text you have to edit DATA\VOTE.CFG with a custom texteditor... (i don't see much sence in editing a topic after the users have voted on it!) what to do first? ----------------- when you call vOTE! first time it will create the required DATA directory in his path. then it's your turn to add some topics... Press INS and add sum stupid questions ;) How to use? ----------- For the stupid freeks among us; use your cursor keys to scroll through the list (yes, it even scrolls!;)). press left arrow to vote for YES or right arrow to vote for NO. press SPACE to unvote. future improvements ------------------- some nice features will probably come with the next version(s) of vOTE!... ! feature will be there someday ? let's see :) (depends on resonance etc.) ! password option (for your cosysops ;)) ! bar graph behind the topics text ? stealth vote, single topics where users can vote but not see the current stats (or where there can't see the stats before having voted) send me any suggestions.. credits ------- code done by ViPER^nEON! contact ------- if you wish to contact me for any reason write to (fido) 2:2410/272.9, try to catch me on irc (nick 'nUT') or scall 01681-1528090. history ------- v1.0 * first public release Verification ------------ Original Archive: NE-VOT10.ZIP Size ,VOTE.PPE' : 8.334 Crc ,VOTE.PPE' : c1bede0d