ALLTiME! v.6.1 ============== Bug fixed that was in v6.0 __________________________ I tried running v6.0 of this PPE on my board and found out there was a big bug in it. It worked perfectly if you had a top UPLOADER that had gone over 4 gigs. However, if you had a top DOWNLOADER that had gone over 4 gigs, the PPE screwed up and made the dl bytes WAY to high. This was caused by an error in the source on line 184, which said "GOTO GETDATA1." This line should have said "GOTO GETDATA3." I have fixed it and rereleased this PPE. I'd like to thank Crypt Keeper and Bitstream for this AWESOME PPE that has fixed a problem on my board that has pissed me off for a while....and I hope that it's cool with you two that I re-release this PPE with the bugfix as v6.1. BTW, alltime.ppe is now included also, precompiled, for all you lamers who are too stupid to compile it on your own. :D Thanks. Bababooey [PW’/RiSC/HYBRiD] Introduction - What IS ALLTiME!? -------------------------------- ALLTiME! is an upload/download bulletin creator for the TOTAL uploads on a PCB system. To the best of my knowledge, this is the first PPE to break the 4GIGS upload/download barrier of the user.dat. Why ALLTiME and NOT others? --------------------------- 1) First of all, this is the fucken FASTEST around. I'm pretty sure of that. 2) It's configurable. Change the colors! 3) This ppe is designed to calculate up to 99 GIGS. That's right. OVER that stupid 4 gig limit built into PCB. 4) It's free! No stupid messages, nag screens, etc. Installation - What the !#&*)$ do I have to do?? ------------------------------------------------ First, compile the PPE. DUH. If nobody on your board has hit the 4 gig limit yet, all YOU have to do is install the PPE somewhere where it will run once a call. Put it somewhere in your login sequence of something like so: !C:\PCB\PPE\ALLTIME\ALLTIME.PPE ;runs the ppe %C:\PCB\PPE\ALLTIME\ALLTIME.PCB ;displays the file created You're done! However, if you're installing this and someone has already hit over 4 gigs, you MUST do this. If its uploads he's gone over 4 gigs, make a file called ALLTIME.UL in the PPE directory. If its downloads, make it ALLTIME.DL 1st line - Name of the user in ALL CAPS 2nd line - Number of bytes it says in the user.dat (ie. if they hit 4 gigs, it starts from 0 again. No matter what, PUT THE NUMBER IT *SAYS*, not means, into the this file. EXACT#) 3rd line - Number of TIMES they hit 4 gigs. That means how many times they have reached 4 gigs and then it reset to 0. Do the same for downloads ONLY if they hit 4 gigs. So say you have an uploader named MEGAUPLOADS who has 14,298,982,293 bytes uploaded. PCB would say something like 2,120,129,812 because he has hit 4 gigs 3 times exactly. YOU put in the ALLTIME.UL file: MEGAUPLOADS 2,120,129,812 3 And that's it! Pretty damn simple eh? Explanation - DAMN THIS SUX! ---------------------------- Now, you might say, "What a fuckin pain in the ass! I have to do this every goddamn time someone hits 4 gigs?!" WRONG! That's the part where the PPE does some work. You ONLY have to put down the names of the people over 4 gigs for the FIRST TIME the ppe runs. After that, it's ALL self maintaining. When the user hits 4 gigs, it'll know that the upload counter was reset again and it'll automatically update the file. If you want me to explain it, I don't think I can without 1) taking up another entire page of text or 2) being there with you and pointing at the source. Actually, I wrote a "detailed" explanation of how I came about to figuring this out. Look into the ALLTIME.TEC file contained within to kinda understand how this PPE functions. Credits - Someone else helped me -------------------------------- Okay. You can call these greets. Pentium - THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!! (this guy thought up the whole process and took a lot of his time to explain it to me. But he doesn't code in PPL) Heres that big thanx I owe you. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!! Spliff - Thanks for beta testing and making some suggestions! Disclaimer - Your PPE fucked up! -------------------------------- We are not responsible for any damage that this PPE MAY cause. I guarantee only one thing which is "THERE ARE NO BACKDOORS!" I don't guarantee anything else. Hell, it might not even run or take up space on your hard drive. But that's not MY problem. =) Contacting Us - Help me!!!!!!!!!!!! ----------------------------------- If anyone has questions/bugs about the PPE, you can reach us at email: - Crypt Keeper - Bitstream BBS: Pentium Domination - Crypt Keeper ASK-SUM-ONE! The Next Dimension - Bitstream 718-761-7461