AMi/X 0ff! v.1.0á Written By: BitStream/Dr Dre [GNX] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What the Fuck does this PPE do? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This PPE is something like a Confirm Logoff prompt but ALOT more sophisticated. You can leave a message to another user, leave a comment to a SysOp, Confirm Logoff, or go back to the board, all in the great AMi/X / Tempest Style.. It shows the message to the user at login (The one that the last user wrote), and will make PCBoard look more like AmiExpress. Why use this PPE and not the others? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To my knowledge there AREN'T any others.. =) But now there is. It is a simple nice looking highly configurable PPE. Any questions? =) How To Install This PPE? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stick GNX!OFF.PPE in prompt 605 in PCBTEXT Example : !C:\PCB\PPE\GNX!OFF.PPE Edit Your CMD.LST file in PCBSETUP, For all you idiots who shouldn't be using PCBoard, start up PCBSETUP, hit B twice, go down to CMD.LST and hit F-2 on it, then Insert a line (ALT-I) looking something like this Charges Per Command Sec Minutes Use Path to PPE ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BYE 10 0 0 G Trust me on this, I know what I am doing! =) If you do not do this the PPE will fuck up SEVERELY! Then stick DISPLAY.PPE somewhere in your logon. This simple little PPE displays the Message to the Next Caller, so wherever you want it displayed, put this PPE. Go back into PCBsetup, hit G once, then C, then go down to 'Confirm Logoff' or something like that, set it to yes, without this the PPE will not run, make sure you put it to Yes Configuration: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Just edit the Config file (GNX!OFF.CNF) it is self explanatory. Disclaimer: ~~~~~~~~~~~ This PPE is Backdoor Free. Only reason it is undecompilable is because I dunn want someone else's name on it! =) I don't guarantee it to do anything. I don't even guarantee it to take up space on your HD, but I am sure it will... =) Registration: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It's a register free PPE. (I hate registering things) Just contact BitStream or Dr Dre and give them Ideas To Update This PPE. Bugs: ~~~~~ As of now there have been no bugs detected, if there are call mine +01-718-761-7461 or Dr Dre's Board +01-718-372-7043 to report them. Final Notes: ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Watch out for more AMi/X Styled PPE's from Dr Dre and me (BitStream) in the future. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ [GNX] Generation X 1995' Starting A PPE Division A Looking For New Coders!