______ ______ .__) ___/__ ____________.______________.______\ (__. _.__/\_ | ______) __ l __ l __ l _ __._ | _l____l_ ________________|______________|______________|_ \/ |h | : : : :L : . f u c k o f f o r d i e . |X _|_____ /\_______________ ___ . /\______________/\ _______________|_ \/ \/ \/ Mail/X System v1.00 for PCBoard(tm) 15.30+ (C)opyright 2 Stoned/FOOD! Productions All Rights Reserved 1997-1998.. -๗------------๗- Introduction -๗------------๗- Hiya all.. This is the first public release of mail/x system a mail replacement for pcboard 15.3 and above. I got the idea when I saw Blizzard's Deluxe MSG System, I installed it and i liked the looks of it, but it had some serious fallbacks. You had to re-compile most of your PPE's and some important features where left out. So I decided to start my own mail replacement project with more powerfull features.. so here's the result.. -๗------------๗- Requirements -๗------------๗- - PCBoard v15.30 or higher. - Preferably /x style setup. - 486DX for 400+ line messages. - Few KB's of mem free in PCB. - About 200 Kb HDD Space free. -๗--------๗- Features -๗--------๗- - 100% Compatible with PCBoard's mailbase. - 100% Configurable strings and displayfiles. - 100% Multinode compatible. - Fast processing due smart buffering. - Supports 'generic' messages to ALL. - Build-in vague-searcher on usernames. - 4dos style TAB on username input. - Supports zmodem upload into message. - Default signature for each user via TPA. - Quick quoting when replying to message. -๗------------๗- Installation -๗------------๗- - Unzip this archive to a new unique directory. - Edit your CMD.LST (PCBSETUP -> B -> B) and add the following: Charges Per PPE/MNU File Specification -or- Command Sec Minute Use Keystroke Substitution อออออออออ อออ อออออออออออออออออ อออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออ E 0 0 0 D:\PATH\TO\MAIL\E.PPE R 0 0 0 D:\PATH\TO\MAIL\READ.PPE Y 0 0 0 D:\PATH\TO\MAIL\SCAN.PPE - Add SCAN.PPE to your login script if you want to. - Close all your nodes and run PCBSM to add the following TPA: Name: SIG, Static: 70, Dynamic: 0, Version: 10. - Edit E.CNF, ENTER.CNF, READ.CNF and SCAN.CNF, most configing is done by changing some strings. - If you want you can draw a 'Quote' logo and save it as QUOTE.PCB. -๗---------๗- Downsides -๗---------๗- There ofcourse are some downsides at this PPE, although not very drastic.. However i find it important to note them. - You need to install a 'Multi Comment to Sysop PPE', it really doesn't matter which one, but PCBoard's internal Comment to Sysop command saves messages on an alternative way than normal messages. - ANSI/PCB codes within messages are not supported anymore, they will be stripped when reading them. -๗---------๗- Greetings -๗---------๗- I would like to shoot some quick greets to the following people: Marauder, Sperm Whale, Hash, Thunderhawk, Dark Raver, Infidel Friar, Positive Pain, Vertigo, Elysion, Virago.. - 2 Stoned/FOOD! Brothers'98 -