_________________ _____________ ___ .______________ _____________._____:_ . \ _____, / / _____, ' ^\ _____, ^\ / / : / ____)_/ __/_/ ____)_/ / ____)_/ / \_ __/ ,_____/ |/ ^\ ' ^\ \ \/ / \ / // /_\______^\: / / / / / / / / // // /| \_________/________/_______/___/ /\________/__/ / \____/ \________/ | `----------------------------- \___/ -->f!/opx<- \___/ -------------------' ultrachat v1.3 by [mike mc] -ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ-- One of the best PPE-chatters around. Slow but quite cool. /X-ers better quit reading now. This PPE won't fit to their style. It's more than 3000 lines of source... how it works -ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ-- Pretty easy. Works as an normal split screen chatter, but with different color-schemes .. and LOTS of functions! Please read this section, it could save you a lot of work. Here is a short list of functions available to the sysop/user: Ctrl-A Autovalidate. Use up/down arrows to set security. THIS WILL ALSO BE WRITTEN IN THE USERBASE! The user will not see what security you gave him! [Sysop only] Ctrl-B Rotate through backgrounds. [Sysop only] Ctrl-C Clear Window. [Sysop and user] Ctrl-D Download. See also /DOWNLOAD. [Sysop only] Ctrl-E Effects. See also /EFFECTS. [Sysop only] Ctrl-I Brings up a helpscreen. Diffrent sysop/user help! All funcions didn't fit here. Look in the doc (here) for further details. [Sysop and user] Ctrl-R Redraw the screen. This is SLOW! [Sysop and user] Ctrl-U Browse through rumors. Define rumors in RUMORS.DAT. [Sysop only] Ctrl-W Write in the users window. All what he types will be buffered and showed when you go back to your window, by pressing ctrl-w again. You will notice that this is a VERY handy function. ;) When you have this function active, UsrWn will appear at the top of your screen. This is not visible to the user! [Sysop only] Ctrl-Z Help. See also Ctrl-I. [Sysop and user] There are also some commands that is executed by typing them in on an empty line, pressing enter afterwards. /BACKGROUND=n This changes the background (and colorscheme) to the one corresponding to the number n. This can be a value from one to five. Can also be reached from the settings. [Sysop and user] /TIME Shows for how long you and the user has been chatting this session. This also shows automatically every now and then. :) [Sysop and user] /SPEED=n Defines in what speed all effects are displayed in. Have The "Ctrl-E-Function" active while testing this command. The speed kan also be defined in CHAT.CNF or in the settings. [Sysop and user] /HELP Guess! [Sysop and user] /CURTIME Displays the system time [Sysop and user] /CURDAT Displays the system date [Sysop and user] /SETTINGS Brings up a nice settings screen. Here you can configure everything in the chatter. [Sysop only] /MACROS Switch on/off userdefined macros. Can also be reached from the settings. [Sysop only] /LISTMACROS List all userdefined macros. [Sysop and user] /ADDMACRO Add a userdefined macro. The user is only able to add macros in case the sysop has switched UserAdd on. [Sysop and user] /USERADD Turns on/off the possibility for the user to add a macro or rumor. [Sysop only] /USEREXIT Turns on/off the possibility for the user to exit the chatter with esc. Can also be reached from the settings. [Sysop only] /VERSION Version info. [Sysop and user] /GREETS Greetings. [Sysop and user] /EFFECTS Effects on/off. Will animate the names on the screen. Looks quite cool, really. :) [Sysop only] /DOWNLOAD Download ANY file. Perfect if you wanna show the user your upcomming release. :) (The file will not be free unless it's placed in a dir flagged free.) [Sysop only] /CASESENSETIVE Turns on/off the casesensetivity when checking for user defined macros. [Sysop and user] /PART Quit. [Sysop and user] /ADDRUMOR Add a rumor. Can be done by user also, if UserAdd is on. [Sysop and user] Other functions: There are ofcourse also a lot of undocumented features! =) One cool effect is that all smileys will flash. Check it out!! =) It will also turn off the page-flag (the one that keeps flashing on the local status-bar after a page) if it's set. About macros: Macros can be up to 40 characters long. The original word is not allowed to be more than 15. You can specify in the .cnf file if you want the macros to be casesensetive or not. If they are not casesensitive the chatter will of course work slower. You can have a maximum of 500 macros, but you will notice a slight speed loss (when pressing space or enter) even with 50. About rumors: You can have a maximum of 100 rumors. No speedloss will be noticed. Multiple sysops: The chatter now supports multiple sysops. On the first three lines in the .cnf you type the names of you and your co:s. Then start the chatter with a number from 1 to 3 on the commandline. If no commandline is specified, 1 will be used. Hint: Install "C:\PPE\CHAT\CHAT.PPE 1" on Shift-F1 and "C:\PPE\CHAT\CHAT.PPE 2" on Shift-F2 or something like that! Other: * NOTE: The words displayed at the top of the screen (UsrWn, Effects, UsrExit, etc) are NOT visible to the user! drawbacks -ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ-- Well.. It's a bit slow sometimes, I have to admit that, but the PPL isn't, as you probably know, the fastest language around. :) You can't have more than 500 macros... You can't have more than 100 rumors... hints -ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ-- If you want to clear the user's window, press: 1. Ctrl-W (Now you control the user.) 2. Ctrl-C (Clear his window.) 3. Ctrl-W (Back to normal.) Same thing if you want to bring up the userhelp (not the sysophelp!). 1. Ctrl-W 2. Ctrl-I 3. Ctrl-W Hope you got it. :) installation -ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ-- Pretty simple, really! Just edit the chat.cnf (instructions included), and install it on a Shift- Fx key. Ten seconds, and you're ready to rock! commin' up next -ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ-- This version was released in a hurry, and probably got a lot of bugs. The next version will also offer (if I get the time): 1. Bugfix! 2. Better usereditor. (location, sec, etc, etc) 3. Make macros execute on ",.!?" also. 4. "View-ansi/ascii-to-user-function". 5. Top 1O chatters. 6. Delete rumors. Gosh... when will I ever get around to fix all this? :) greetings -ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ-- Greetings goes out to everybody on my board who had to stand all this beta-testing. :) To see the personal greets, type /GREETS in the chatter! history -ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ-- v1.0b non public beta v1.1b public beta - 96O218 v1.2 first alpha version - 96O225 buggfix! nicer effects added /CURTIME and /CURDATE added /GREETS added /SETTINGS (sysop only, really nice, check it out!) made a working macro-system! added /MACROS (sysop only) added /LISTMACROS added /ADDMACRO added /USEREXIT (sysop only) made a better sysophelp added /VERSION added /USERADD (sysop only) added a lot of hardcoded macros and effects modified the input-routines updated the help v1.3 second alpha version - 96O6O9 buggfix & MAJOR speedup! added a more-prompts to /LISTMACROS added /EFFECTS added /PART added notice when user tries to exit without permission ;) added function to decide wether or not macros should be casesensetive (.cnf and /SETTINGS) added /DOWNLOAD made Ctrl-D and Ctrl-E undocumented. ;) They will disappear in the future. Learn to use /DOWNLOAD and /EFFECTS instead. rewrote the display-routine .. MUCH faster now! fixed the /ADDMACRO-bug made it MULTITASK.. woaaw!! =) added /CASESENSETIVE made it possible to skip the welcome-word made yet another background .. relly nice :) "WaStE-StYlE!" ;) fixed clearwindow-command made it possible to rotate through backgrounds with Ctrl-B. added multiple sysop-support added Ctrl-Z for help updated the help (Ctrl-I or Ctrl-Z) added RUMORS! added Ctrl-U to browse rumors. added /ADDRUMOR the rumorsystem is not included in the help author -ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ-- If you wanna contact me for some reason. My Board: 46.47O.1574O (latest version always here for free dl) 46.47O.39598 Fido: 2:2OO/5O5.42 Internet: mikemc@kuai.se (safest way) IRC: #bpt (if you're lucky you might catch me here) -ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ-- ­[mike mc] of elements