UPLOAD SYSTEM 1.o FOR PC-BORED 15.2 by Lars Ulrich '95 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ A few days ago i needed cool PPE to replace [u]pload command. I've tested some PPEs flying around and found that they're 100% shitty. So i decided to code this cute PPE... Features: - It isn't necessary to enter filenames to upload. - Private upload feature. - Ability to choose transfer protocol. This PPE is NOT TOTALLY LAME and analyzes PCBPROT.DAT to get all the available protocol letters and descriptions. - 100% configurable (see UP.CFG and UP.PCB) To install, just make a slots in CMD.LST: Command Security PPE/MNU File -or- Keystroke Replacement ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ U 0 C:\PCB\PPE\UP.PPE UB 0 C:\PCB\PPE\UP.PPE