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Of course, a PGP key server must be able to distribute any key at any time to anybody... That's what AGS PGP Server does. INSTALLATION ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ þ Install the contents of PGPSERVR.ZIP in a directory of it's own. þ I assume that you already have PGP installed for your own use and that you don't want to share your PUBRING.PGP with the server... - Edit PGP.BAT and check : - Line reading "C:\PGP\PGP.EXE ....". Change path to point to your PGP directory - Line reading "SET PGPPATH=C:\PP\PGPSERVR". Change path to point to your PGP Server directory - line reading "... %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 > C:\PP\PGPSERVR\PGP.$$$" Change path to point to a file named PGP.$$$ located in PGP Server directory (don't look for it, PGP Server creates it at runtime, read it, then delete it so you should never see it) If you want to share your PUBRING.PGP, make PGPPATH point to your personnal PGP directory... If you didn't have installed PGP already, find the PGP archive, install it, read the doc during 3 weeks and come back for installing the server ;) þ Copy The DOS Utility SORT.EXE in PGP Server directory þ Edit PGPSERVR.CFG to match your needs (self explaining file) þ Edit XFER.CFG to match your COM port definitions (self explaining file) þ Edit PROTO.DEF to set the protocol names corresponding with letters (usually Z for zmodem, H for hslink...) If a protocol letter is not found, its name within PCBPROT.DAT will be used as a menu entry. þ Run PCBSM : - Choose "User Info File Maintenance" - Choose "Add/Update Third Party Application" - Third Party Application Name : PGPSERVR - Version : 1 - Static Size : 50 - Dynamic Size : 0 - Keyword : PGPSERVR Press PGDN to add the TPA. þ Run PCBSETUP and edit your CMD.LST to add a command that launch PGPSERVR.PPE... þ edit XFERMENU file to put as many blank lines between the up & down menu limit as there are external protcols... If you have 4 external protocols, you don't need to change this... if you have 5 external protocols, move the bottom menu limit down by one line. þ That's all ;) WARNINGz / DISCLAIMER ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ þ DO NOT CHANGE THE LANGUAGE IN CONFIG.TXT, or PGP Server will not work anymore! PGP language must be english! þ This is a áeta version... It works just fine on my computer, but there are no warranty that it will be the same on yours. þ PGP (Pretty Good Privacy(tm)) is a cryptography program, this means that it MAY be ILLEGAL in your country (Iran & Iraq, don't try! ;))... In no way i can be responsible for any trouble you have because you used PGP... Also, in different countries, different version of PGP are LEGALS, and others are ILLEGAL, please, check active laws in your country before getting in trouble. Please refer to PGP documentation for further details on the use of PGP. þ Do what you want with this, you don't have the code, but wait for a new release of PPLD and you will... You may use this ppe in any way you want, you may destroy it, burn it, eat it, smoke it, inject it, vomit it, kick it, suck it, piss it, shot it, print it with reversed lines, rename it to zip, arj, arc or whatever you want, try then to extract it, to pkzipfix it, you may also perform sort on it, uuencode, crypt it with PGP, play it on your GUS or even your SB, you may even decompile, modify it, you may do WHAT YOU WANT, but NO MEMBER OF AEGiS CoRP MAY BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED BY THE USE OF THIS PROGRAM OR IT'S MODIFICATIONS... Also, if you decompile the PPE, and if you make changes, don't spread a new version without prior asking to AEGiS... FINAL WORDS ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Hope you will enjoy this PPE... ! :) Thanks to Jason Bourne for this idea! Greets to Gandalf, Number Six, New ID, Jason Bourne, HACKTiON, Kloy, Phun, PWA, Scum, RHYME & All AEGiS Distro/HQ & Affiliates. - LoNE RuNNeR - _ _ _ ___ ___/\ _________/\ /\_____________/\________________ ___ _ _ \/\______________ / _ \/ _________ / ______________________ / __________ / _/ __/ \ ____)___\/ \ \_/ \/\___________ \/_ \ \ \_ \ \_ \__ \_ \_ / / \______\ /____________/________________/_____________/____________/kP ú-------`------'---------------------------------------------------------ú