Ü Ü ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ Ü Ü ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ Ü Ü Û Û ÛÜÛ Û ÛÜÛ ÛÜ Û ÛÜß The Premium Upload Scanner ÛÜÛ Û ÛÜÜ Û Û ÛÜÜ ÛÜÜ Û Û Version 7.1f Copyrighted Peter Rocca & Multiboard Communications, 1994-1997 All rights reserved ÖÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ· º What is it? º ÓÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĽ A premium upload scanner, description handler and true duplicate CRC detection built in. Also can write a message to the user, explaining why the file failed, and/or to the Sysop with a warning or message receipt. Fast and easy to use! ÖÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ· º Quick Note º ÓÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĽ Although the docs aren't the shortest ones, I suggest you at least skim through them in order to get your system set up correctly... If you are confident that you can set up the program then run UPSETUP and you can also use the F1 key from that program for online help. ÖÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ· º Overview º ÓÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĽ UpCheck and it's companion utilities are more than any Sysop could require in an upload file processing system... UpCheck is a small and quick program that is capable of scanning an upload for file integrity, duplications, as well as being able to remove unwanted files, add files and then recompress the archive in maximum compression mode. You also have the ability to quickly insert the FILE_ID.DIZ, DESC.SDI or DESC.SDN description into the file base description. If the file does not contain a description, you can search text files, capture logs and even other BBS lists for a matching description to insert. You can set UpCheck to send a message to the user if a file should fail, as well as the option to send yourself a receipt of the failure. If you are using RemoteAccess 2.x, then you can also send online messages to the user to detail why a file failed while they're still online the system. UpCheck comes with a program called UpUtils. This program can perform such database features as creating duplicate file signatures from your existing collection of files, insert the descriptions of files into your file database, quickly comment all of your ZIP files in your current hard drive collection, in order to bring them all up to date. UpUtils can also set and return errorlevels depending on the type of archive is being processed. ...in short, UpCheck does what all upload scanners do, and then adds features not found in any other scanners. It combines many features that are found in numerous other third party applications - all into one extremely inexpensive and powerful package. ÖÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ· º UpSetup - Configuration program º ÓÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĽ UpCheck is very easy to install. 1) First, unpack the contents of the archive into a directory 2) Run the UPSETUP program Remember that the UPCHECK.CFG file that is created by UpSetup should always be in the same directory as the *.EXE files. Also, the file UPCHECK.PAC must also be in the same directory as these above files. The database files that you setup in UPSETUP do not need to be in any particular directory, but to keep things simple you may want to specify that they be created in the same directory. To save space, and your time, we have installed a comprehensive online help system with UpCheck that you can activate from the setup program by pressing F1. If you wish to create a text file from this help file, rather than viewing it as you go, you can run HELP2DOC.EXE which will create a readable documentation file detailing each option. ÖÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ· º UpCheck - Upload scanning program º ÓÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĽ UpCheck, the executable itself, is the actual scanning program for when a user uploads a file. It is run from your bulletin board in a numerous number of ways. If the following setups do not work for your system, I would suggest that you consult your BBS software documentation for info on installation of an upload scanner. Please remember that when running UpCheck you should have about 400 to 450k conventional memory available to call the external programs for decompression, recompression and scanning. UpCheck itself only takes about 3k when calling these programs, but some of them require a lot of memory themselves, so to save problems, it's best to make sure you have a lot of memory available. Running UpCheck ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ UPCHECK [dropfile [/I:hex,irq,locked]] [node] [options] <> = Required parameters [] = Optional parameters [dropfile] Full path and filename of EXITINFO.BBS, DORINFOx.DEF or DOOR.SYS. If no dropfile is specified, then it will run in local mode without any remote display. [/I:hex..] Use internal communications routines with the specified information instead of the fossil driver. For example to not use the fossil driver, but use the internal com routines on COM2 (2f8), IRQ5 and with a locked baud rate of 57600, use /I:2F8,5,57600 ** IMPORTANT NOTE ** If you are using the internal communication routines, then UpCheck can not take advantage of it's swapping routines, and if you require more memory to run the scanner and extractors, you will need to use a program called "SHROOM.COM" (freqable using "SHROOM" from me at 1:2401/305) Another solution might be temporairily installing a fossil driver before UpCheck is run and unloading it afterwards. The archive filename (or wildcard search) to process. [node] Define the current node. This is mainly important for logging purposes. Also, if you are using the DOOR.SYS file you never need to declare the node number. [options] /NOViruscheck - Disable virus checking /NOAgecheck - Disable file age checking /NODupecheck - Disable duplicate file checking [node] Optionally override the node number ÍÍÍ Running under RemoteAccess 2.x When running under RemoteAccess, the line that you should enter in the... "Options -> Files -> Upload scan" ...field should look something like this: C:\UPCHECK\UPCHECK.EXE \RA\EXITINFO.BBS @ *N *M Or if you are running a multinode system: C:\UPCHECK\UPCHECK.EXE \RA\NODE*N\EXITINFO.BBS @ *N *M Recall from your RemoteAccess documentation that the *N is replaced with the node number and the @ is replaced with the path/name of the uploaded file, and that the *M means to use the MemorySwap function of RemoteAccess. Here's an example below... ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Scan online Yes Failed scan /move to 58 Scan utility \RA\DOORS\UPCHECK\UPCHECK.EXE EXITINFO.BBS @ *N *M ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ UpCheck doesn't care about the Failed Scan action, as RemoteAccess will handle it when it gets the Pass or Fail sign from UpCheck. You might however, want to either delete it or move it to another directory, as otherwise it will still be available for users. UpCheck doesn't care about the Scan Online either. If the dropfile is missing, it will assume that there is no user online and will surpress any output to the modem. Note though, that if a dropfile cannot be found, UpCheck can't figure out who is uploading the file, therefore will not send mail to anyone should a file fail. Also remember to turn on upload scanning in the area(s) that you permit uploads. You might also want to change the language prompt # 637 from "Failed Virus Scan" to "Failed" as there are many reasons a file can fail. ÍÍÍ Running under TriBBS When running under TriBBS, turn the "Scan Uploads" to "NO" in the setup. TriBBS looks for a file called "UPLOAD.BAT" file in its node directory, and runs it if it exists. Therefore you should place a file called "UPLOAD.BAT" that looks similar to this, in _EACH_ of your node directories. --- UPLOAD.BAT @echo off c:\upcheck\UPCHECK.EXE c:\tribbs\dorinfo1.def %1 if errorlevel 1 goto :fail goto :end :fail rem *** actions to take on failed file *** move %1 c:\badfiles c:\upcheck\UPUTILS.EXE /E 1 :end ( Of course change the paths mentioned ) ( here to paths that reflect your setup ) If you are running more than one node, then copy the UPLOAD.BAT to each node directory, and change the reference from node 1 to the other nodes, for example: c:\tribbs to show as c:\tribbs2, etc. It seems that some TriBBS users have had a problem when using the DOOR.SYS dropfile when scanning, therefore I would suggest using the DORINFOx.DEF file if you have any problems. ÍÍÍ Running under SuperBBS 1.17+ When running under SuperBBS, you should set the CONFIG.EXE ÍÍ Paths ÍÍ Virus Scanner to look something like this: C:\UTIL\UPCHECK.EXE C:\SBBS\DORINFO1.DEF %1 ( Where %1 is the drive\path\filename.ext ) Also CONFIG.EXE ÍÍ Paths ÍÍ Virus Check, should be set to "Yes". If you require or have a more complex setup, you can either edit your BBS.BAT file, or call a batch file for scanning, instead the actual EXE file. Remember that UpUtils can be utilized to change and report errorlevels as needed. ÍÍÍ Running under PCBoard Running under PCBoard is a little different then for most systems. You will need a batch file that looks something like this: --- PCBTEST.BAT @echo off if not %2 == UPLOAD goto :not_upload ë TYPE %3 >> c:\pcb\main\public DEL %3 IF exists pcbfail.txt DEL pcbfail.txt c:\upcheck\UPCHECK.EXE door.sys %1 IF errorlevel 1 ECHO. > pcbfail.txt goto :end REM -------------------------------------------- REM This is the part for non-upload testing... REM Used from the original PCBTEST.BAT REM -------------------------------------------- :not_upload testfile %1 arc zip if errorlevel == 98 goto end if errorlevel == 2 goto zip if errorlevel == 1 goto arc goto end :zip echo þ Testing ZIP file integrity pkunzip -t %1 > pcbfail.txt if errorlevel == 1 goto end del pcbfail.txt goto end :arc echo þ Testing ARC file integrity pkxarc -t %1 > pcbfail.txt if errorlevel == 1 goto end del pcbfail.txt goto end :end ë In the above example the c:\pcb\mail\public is the name of your upload directory. ÍÍÍ Running under other BBS software UpCheck can run under practically any type of BBS software with few modifications or troubles. The key things to remember are that you should turn on the Upload Scanning feature of your software, and for the file name of the Upload Scanning Program, just insert UPCHECK.EXE with the appropriate parameters as mentioned above. ÖÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ· º UpCheck - The log file º ÓÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĽ The log file contains information about who uploaded what, and what happened to the file. It has four possible entry types... 1) User: This is the user's name 2) File: This is the file that was processed 3) Code: This is a code to explain an error if one occurred 4) Stat: This is the status of the file Below is a table that gives a reference to many of the possible values that "Code" may return. ÍÍÍÍÍÑÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Code ³ Section = Program return codes ÍÍÍÍÍØÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ 0-x ³ Every program has its own return code setup, consult ³ its documentation regarding the (x) return code ÍÍÍÍÍÑÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Code ³ Section = Swapping routines ÍÍÍÍÍØÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ 1-1 ³ No space for swapping 1-2 ³ Program is too low in memory 4-0 ³ Error allocating environment 5-0 ³ Error calling swap 5-1 ³ Could not return from swap 5-2 ³ Could not swap out 6-x ³ Error caused during redirection ÍÍÍÍÍÑÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Code ³ Section = Program being called ÍÍÍÍÍØÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ 2-0 ³ Not found 2-1 ³ Invalid drive 2-2 ³ Invalid path 2-3 ³ Invalid name 2-4 ³ Invalid drive letter 2-5 ³ Path too long 2-6 ³ Drive not ready ÍÍÍÍÍÑÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Code ³ Section = Dos error codes ÍÍÍÍÍØÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ 3-2 ³ File not found 3-3 ³ Path not found 3-5 ³ Access denied 3-6 ³ Invalid handle 3-8 ³ Not enough memory ÖÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ· º UpUtils - System Utilities º ÓÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĽ UpUtils is a supplementary program that is designed to simplify the job of creating duplicate databases and making sure that all the file descriptions are correct, as well as add support for third party utilities. Wildcards are valid for UpUtils. Running UpUtils ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÍÍÍ Command line parameters /A = Add the files signature into the bad files listing. This is good for files that stay the same except their name, like randomly named BBS ads. /I = Enable the insertion of descriptions that are included inside some of the files. This allows you to quickly put your descriptions into the data base. /Y = Yank descriptions from text files. This switch will extract descriptions from other BBS lists, captured logs, FILES.1 type files, in just about any format. If the file does not contain a FILE_ID.DIZ, DESC.SDI or DESC.SDN, then UpUtils will attempt to locate the files in the 'Description Files', that are set in UpSetup. If found, it will extract the description from the text files and insert it into the FDB The "/I" switch must be on for the "/Y" switch to operate. /D = Enable duplicate checking & building. This allows you to build a dupe list of all your files that are presently on your system. /K = Kill duplicate files. This switch will cause all the files that are checked and duplicates to be deleted. **USE THIS WITH EXTREME CAUTION** You could lose all your files if you do not use this one properly. The "/D" switch must be on for the "/K" switch to operate. /P = This is the same as the /K switch but will prompt you for a decision before deleting the file. The "/D" switch must be on for the "/P" to operate. /S = Scan subdirectories. This switch is useful when doing all your files as it allows the program to search the specified directory and all of its lower subdirectories also. /Q = Query the database. This switch will return the current statistics of the database holding the information on the number of files processed, failed and passed, etc. /C = Comment ZIP files. This switch will comment the ZIP files it comes in contact with, with the ZIP comment file as specified in UpSetup. /Z = Purge the duplicate files database. This command will remove signatures of files that are smaller than the 'minimum size to store' setting. The benefits of a smaller database is mainly speed while checking for any duplicate files. The drawback is the chance of smaller files passing the dupe check when they are duplicates. /E = Returns an errorlevel as specified. This is only good when creating an advanced batch file setup. Refer to the next section for more info. /R = Returns an errorlevel associated to the type of file processed. Again, this is for the advanced batch file setups. The UpUtils program also requires a file specification for files to process. Wild cards are valid. For example, if you want to process all ZIP files, you would put "*.ZIP" for your file specification. Although UpCheck will handle multi-level embedded archives, UpUtils only will seek into the original archive. The reason for this, is that any other way would make the building of your database too incredibly time consuming, and that the first level is usually more then enough for testing. If you require each file to be processed fully, use UpCheck in local mode instead of UpUtils. Sample batch files for automated tools ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÍÍÍ Batch Files Download a lot of files but hate uploading them locally or running UpCheck in local mode? Well with UpUtils, you can use a batch file like this... @echo off MOVE \downloads\*.* \bbs\uploads UPUTILS /i /d /c \bbs\uploads\*.* It's a fast way to add the signatures to the duplicate base, comment your ZIP files and insert the FILE_ID.DIZ. If you need to perform full scanning, and to add your BBS file to the archive, then use a batch file like this... @echo off move \downloads\*.* \bbs\uploads UPCHECK \bbs\uploads\*.* This will perform the full scanning on the files and add the archive comment, archive file, recompress, delete all the unwanted files, scan, etc.. and add the FILE_ID.DIZ to the filebase description. Remember that for both of these batch files, it's a good idea that the "\bbs\uploads" directory be empty before running this, as otherwise, it will process the files that had already been processed prior to running the batch file. Also note, that you should replace the "\bbs\uploads" and "\downloads" with the appropriate paths for your own system. ÖÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ· º Advanced User Tools º ÓÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĽ With the UpUtils utility you can build your own advanced batch file. With a great batch file, you can make just about anything happen with your archives. The two functions /REPORT and /ERRORLEVEL allow for some great ways to handle certain conditions. The easiest way to show how you can use these is to look at the file ADVANCED.BAT that is included in this archive. Remember that UpCheck does not require that you make such a batch file system and will run just fine in 99.99% of all situations. These functions are to provide additional ways for you to implement third party utilities. ÖÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ· º Scanning in text for descriptions º ÓÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĽ With UpUtils, you can retrieve descriptions for files that do not have a FILE_ID.DIZ, DESC.SDI or DESC.SDN in them. This is done by setting up some "Description files" in the UpSetup program, and then using the "/YANK" switch of UpUtils (with the "/INSERT" switch also) What UpUtils will do is scan through these "description files" and search for a matching filename. If one is found, it will grab the description that is listed, and insert it into your filebase. The files can be almost any text format, as UpUtils will synchronize the descriptions itself. For example, if you called up a BBS, you could turn on your 'capture' function of your terminal, then when you had downloaded some files, you could use this capture file as a file to search through in case the files didn't have a FILE_ID.DIZ type file in them. This is what you can do: 1) Go into your terminal and start a capture file 2) Call a BBS and download some files, read mail, whatever 3) Repeat step 2 as many times as you wish 4) Exit the terminal 5) Run UpUtils with /INSERT /YANK /COMMENT and /DUPE turned on, in order to insert all the descriptions (yanked or embedded), comment the ZIP files with your logo, and add the files data into the duplicate database. With this you will never need to enter a description manually into your file listings again! Another use for this might be if setting up a new BBS, and you want to add all the descriptions for the files you have. Well, you could download a couple BBS lists from other systems, and use those for description files to be yanked from. Also, if you ever lost your descriptions, you could insert them back using your own BBS listing. 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Scanning Program: SCAN.BAT ( Provided SCAN.BAT is in your system path, otherwise ) ( include the full path to the batch file you created. ) With the same principles, you can do any type of scanning, or other modifications on archives for that matter, by replacing the standard "External Programs" with your own customized batch files. ÖÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ· º Matchup files º ÓÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĽ If you plan on receiving uploads into directories and having the file listing for that directory stored in another directory, you will need to use a matchup file. The structure of a matchup file is quite simple: Full_path_to_file_list,Directory_path_for_uploads For example, you could call your matchup file MATCHUP.CFG: C:\PCB\DIR1,C:\FILES\UPLOADS C:\PCB\DIR2,C:\FILES\GAMES C:\PCB\DIR3,C:\FILES\BBSDOORS Then you would tell UpCheck to use this matchup file in order to find the correct file listing to update when uploads were received. ÖÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ· º License and Disclaimer º ÓÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĽ UpCheck is now free. By running any of the executable programs included, you agree that Pete Rocca, nor any affiliates of Pete Rocca are responsible for any damage ever experienced, however so created. If you cannot agree to this, then your privilege to use any of these programs is revoked and it becomes illegal for you to execute any programs included with this documentation. It is illegal to edit, alter, hack, reverse engineer and / or modify any components of the UpCheck archive in any manner. If dispute of any issues on legal grounds said above, then governing law of Ontario, Canada will rule. ÖÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ· º Registration º ÓÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĽ Registration is now free, use the information in FREE-KEY.TXT to activate the free registration. ÖÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ· º Support º ÓÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĽ There is no longer any author support for UpCheck since it is now a freeware program. You can still visit our website or get help from your peers in the RA_UTIL or MCC_SUPPORT FidoNet echos as well. http://www.multiboard.com ÖÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ· º Common questions and answers º ÓÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĽ Q: Can I run it with TBAV and F-PROT? A: Yes, read the "Running with TBAV" section, and simply adjust the batch file as need. Q: My users don't get anything on their side when UpCheck is running? A: Make sure that the dropfile (DOOR.SYS, DORINFOx.DEF, etc) is where you have specified on the command line. If the dropfile is missing UpCheck will run in local mode only. Q: It seems to lockup during zipping or unzipping. A: Try adding "-)" (without the quotes) to the end of the .ZIP de/ recompression lines. This disables the DPMI option of ZIP which is not fully compatible with some DPMI servers. Q: Do I have to put the files in my path? A: No, nor do you need to set any environment variables. If you want to be able to run these files from anywhere on your system, you might want to make some batch files that are in your path, that would simply look like this: --- UPCHECK.BAT @echo off c:\upcheck\UPCHECK.EXE %1 %2 %3 --- UPUTILS.BAT @echo off c:\upcheck\UPUTILS.EXE %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 Q: Will UpCheck work properly on multinode systems if someone else is uploading, or browsing the file areas? A: Absolutely. UpCheck is able to fully scan files, check duplicates update the filebase and post messages when other nodes are using the same files. UpCheck is fully SHARE/Network locking aware. Q: I noticed that with 2400 baud callers, sometimes the file starts scanning before they have the updated screen? A: Yes, UpCheck will dump the screen to the modem, and then start to perform its tasks. This way, the user has less time to wait for their upload to be processed. Q: Can I disable virus scanning? A: Yes, specify the scanning program as "OFF" (without the quotes) Q: Does UpCheck work with OS/2? A: Yes. This program has not had any reported bugs when running with OS/2 2.0 through 3.0, as well as WinOS/2, DESQview 2.40 through 2.63, DESQview/X 1.2 through 2.0 and MS-DOS 3.0 through 7.0. It also works under Windows 3.x, WindowsNT and Windows95. Q: I see this wierd blue square flashing in the top right corner of my screen. A: This is an indicator to you that file access has been denied from UpCheck or UpUtils for more than a half a second. It will continue for about 30 seconds or until the files are made available to it. This is to let you know the current situation, so you do not think that your system is 'frozen' or 'hung'. The square will never be displayed to a remote caller. Q: The file listings are not being updated! A: There are a number of reasons this might be happening. The most common are... 1) scanning files in a directory that is not defined in either the FILES.RA (RemoteAccess 2.x) or in the matchup file for non-RemoteAccess 2.x users. 2) the filebase was locked for more that 30 seconds 3) the filelist name in the matchup file is incorrect ÖÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ· º Errors º ÓÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĽ If you ever get a runtime error, chances are pretty good that you have incorrectly specified a path or file name, or you that the UPCHECK.CFG or UPCHECK.DAT file is corrupted. In any case, if you ever get a runtime error, the only thing that will most likely happen is that the file will report failed. Any runtime errors will NOT cause your system to 'hang'. Any logical errors or runtime errors that you cannot seem to resolve should be reported to 1:2401/305 for my evaluation, please include the error number and location, the look of the screen and the current task that the program was under and I will get back to you with a solution. Example : Runtime error 103 at 05C3:3029 \ \ Number Location Other neat stuff: UpCheck avoids a large number of problems that other scanners seemed to have over looked. The classic one is this: a) a file called TEST.ARJ gets uploaded and rearchived to ZIP format so now a file called TEST.ZIP exists b) a different program called TEST.LZH gets uploaded and rearchived to ZIP, the BBS allowed the upload because the file TEST.LZH did not exist, but the scanner failed to realize that another program already existed in the same directory with the same name. The scanner would either delete the first file, or add all of TEST.LZH's files into the first file. Yuck! UpCheck would have renamed the second file TEST.ZI0 and updated the filebase accordingly. UpCheck will continue renaming from ZI0 to ZI9 to ZIA to ZIZ as files are duplicated. (Although the rarity of any of this happening is so far fetched, it shows the detail and concern that UpCheck exhibits) Many other scanners will also not update the filebase with the new size or type of the file once rearchived (and/or the garbage killed) but UpCheck will always update the base. Also, many scanners either abort or 'freeze' the system if a caller hangs up during scanning.... not UpCheck. Also, if the file doesn't exist in the filebase, some scanners will not update it with the added information, or the FILE_ID.DIZ files. ÖÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ· º Acknowledgments º ÓÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĽ Requires at least Dos 3.3 and about 450k free conventional memory. (Can't do much about the memory problem, only 3k of that is mine, the rest you can blame on McAfee and the author of SQZ.) SHARE.EXE must also be loaded for Dos systems. The JAM message base format is used in UpCheck and this is the JAM license header... "JAM(mbp) - Copyright 1993 Joaquim Homrighausen, Andrew Milner, Mats Birch, Mats Wallin. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED." The RemoteAccess filebase format, RemoteAccess and RA are (C) Copyright Andrew Milner and Wantree Development, 1993. All rights reserved. The TriBBS message base format is Copyright 1993 Mark D. Goodwin. SuperBBS Bulletin Board Software is Copyright (C) 1990-1993, Risto Virkkala and Aki Antman. The PCBoard software is Copyright (C)1993 by Clark Development Company, Inc. PKZIP/UNZIP,PKARC/PKXARC, Copyright PKWARE; ARJ, Copyright Robert K Jung; LZH/LHA, Copyright Haruyasu Yoshizaki; PAK, Copyright NoGate Consulting; UC2, Copyright Ad Infinitum Programs; SQZ, Copyright J I. Hammarberg; SCAN, Copyright by McAfee Associates; TBSCAN/TBAV, Copyright Thunderbyte B.V; X00, Copyright Ray Gwinn; BNU, Copyright David Nugent & Unique Computing; DESQview, Copyright by Quarterdeck Software; MS-DOS, MS-Windows, Copyright by Microsoft Corporation; OS/2, Copyright International Business Machines Corporation. Thanks to the public domain swapping utilities that required very little in the way of tweaking, by Thomas Wagner. GIF(tm) is a trademark of CompuServe. JPG is maintained by an ISO WorkGroup and ANSI. Also, a BIG THANKS, to my wife Laurie, who hates me being on 'this damn machine', but still finds the way to support me. Thank you. * Documentation End *