Network Mail Status - PCBoard-Fido Version ================================================================= First off I would like to thank Don Sharp who suggested this version. Also to all those who offered suggestions and comments on my original Status program. Some functions and displays are the direct result of this input. Don Sharp was a beta tester on Status (now StatusP), StatusC and StatusQ. (1) Generates a network Import mail status bulletin showing each conference (full 23 characters for conference names), 1600 maximum, and the total number of messages imported for current date and total to date for each conferences, total conferences and the total messages to date for the specified network. (2) Generates a network Export mail status bulletin showing each conference (full 23 characters for conference names), 1600 maximum, and the total number of messages exported for current date and total to date for each conferences, total conferences and the total messages to date for the specified network. (3) Generates Last Import bulletin showing last import information: date, time, total messages imported in last import and total messages imported to date. (4) Generates, or appends to the end of, a monthly totals bulletin called network.TOT with each rollover. This bulletin contains the total lines from previous Import bulletins along with header. (5) Supports multiple network Import and Export bulletins in addition to the regular bulletins above (Fido Networks Option). This program uses PCBoard's CALLERn log. It does a monthly rollover of CALLERn using PKWare's PKZIP.EXE (copyright PKWare). This archive should contain the following files: CLENUPPF.EXE.......... PCBoard Caller log reduction program CLENUPPF.DOC.......... Instructions for running ClenUpPF DOORS.TXT............. Current list of James Huckabey doors FILE_ID.DIZ........... BBS description file SOFTWARE.TXT.......... Information on shareware HUCKABEY.TXT.......... Current list of all James Huckabey software ARCHIVE.TXT........... This list of files READ.ME............... Update/changes information STATUSPF.EXE.......... Actual Status program STATUSPF.DOC.......... Instructions for running StatusPF STATUSPF.CFG.......... Sample configuration file STATSPF2.CFG.......... Sample configuration file STATSPF3.CFG.......... Sample configuration file STATUSPF.LUP.......... Sample networks line up file E-MAIL.TXT............ Current e-mail address for author Syntax is pretty straight forward: STATUSPF STATUSPF.CFG Full path to STATUSPF.EXE may be used if not in path or in current directory. If you do use a path statement in your execution of StatusPF (not in current dir or in path) you need to set the environment variable "SET STATUSPF=path to STATUSPF.EXE" (SET STATUSPF=C:\UTILITY\OTHER, etc. no ending slash is needed). It is not necessary to add a path statement to the configuration file since the program finds itself. Of course the file must be in location of STATUSPF.EXE. If the configuration file is not in the same location then use the path statement to it's location. "STATUSPF.CFG" and can have any file name with the following format. You can use up to 8 characters of your network name for the name of your .CFG file if that helps keep multi-network configurations clearer. This would be the easiest way to do it. Each line must be populated with a valid entry. Paths to bulletins or logs are not needed if they are in or written to the current directory: ( 1) Unregistered BBS ( 2) 0000 ( 3) Network ( 4) CALLER ( 5) C:\BBS\BLT1 ( 6) C:\BBS\BLT2 ( 7) C:\BBS\BLT3 ( 8) PCB ( 9) Bright (10) STATUSPF.LUP CFG line #1 "Unregistered BBS", BBS name if registered. CFG line #2 "0000", valid serial number if registered. CFG line #3 "Network" should be the name of the actual network you are using, one word and case sensitive (Fido, etc.). 18 characters max, longer names are truncated. Say you are making two different network mail runs with the same software, you would use those names here, each in it's own configuration file. CFG line #4 "CALLER" is the path and name of your PCBoard's Caller log. CFG line #5 "C:\BBS\BLT1" is the path and name for your Import bulletin. CFG line #6 "C:\BBS\BLT2" is the path and name for your Export bulletin. CFG line #7 "C:\BBS\BLT3" is the path and name for your Last Import bulletin. If you are not using this option the file can just be written out to the current directory, but it must be generated. CFG line #8 Color and characters used are setup to give you as much control over the output as possible. Not all users can read and handle IBM extended graphic characters (like sight impaired users and voice hardware). Program can use either "=/-" or IBM's extended graphic characters "I/A". Line #8 must contain one of the following options: "PCB" use IBM extended graphic characters and PCBoard's @X0 colorizing codes. "PCB2" use no IBM extended graphic characters and PCBoard's @X0 colorizing codes. "ANSI" use colorizing and no IBM extended graphic characters. "ANSI2" use colorizing and IBM extended graphic characters. "ASCII" use no colorizing and no IBM extended graphic characters. "ASCII2" use no colorizing, but use IBM extended graphic characters. CFG line #9 Text Tone: This option can be either Bright or Normal. The default is BRIGHT. Even if you are using an ASCII option you must still populate this option. CFG line #10 **Fido Networks Option enabled with registration of StatusPF** ** The Fido Networks Option is an optional line in the CFG file. Without it StatusPF runs just like earlier versions and does not check for a lineup file. This is in the event you are having problems that this option can be disabled by removing it from the CFG file. This entry in the CFG is the file name for the Fido individual Fido Network bulletins (network line ups). File name can be any legal DOS file name. Format as follows: