10/15/95 v1.05 - discovered that the FREQPATHS were not being correctly written. This only occured it you had selected CONFERENCE instead of SINGLE path in Qfront. Fixed. 10/10/95 v1.04 - was writing the conference allocation string for Origin lines in the wrong Origin line. Fixed. - was writing all Origin lines, even if they were blank. Fixed. (Broke the above in v1.02. I was having a really bad programing day!) - was not setting all the Fido conferences to type 5. Fixed. - had a report the AKA's were being skipped. Couldn't find it. 10/08/95 v1.03 - another stupid error on my part. The file if PCBFIDO.CFG, not FIDOPCB.CFG 10/07/95 v1.02 - seems CDC moved the location of where they stored the path to FIDOPCB.CFG in PCBOARD.DAT and forgot to tell me. Shame on you Stan. (Actually, I was just too stupid to notice) - will now handle upto 10000 conferences (QFront's max) 09/28/95 v1.01 - changed to a large memory model - significantly sped up the origin processing - made the origin and aka selected conferences a little smarter