REGISTER.DOC Tells you how to register QSETUP.DOC Quick setup instructions PCBCHECK.DOC Full documentation WHATS.NEW What's new in this (and previous) versions *.SCR (1) PCBCheck ANSI backdrops/color layouts DELETE.PCB (2) List of files to be removed from archives KEYWORDS.PCB (2) List of unacceptable description 'keywords' TRASHCAN.PCB (2) List of archive names which are unacceptable PRIVILEG.PCB (2) List of privileged users SETUP.EXE Configuration program (you must run this!) PCBCHECK.EXE PCBCheck main executable 1. The .SCR files are proprietary formats and are not user editable. Note that .SCR files are NOT plain ANSI 2 The above .PCB files are plain text and can be edited with a normal text editor or from within SETUP