pcb2rg v0.9 by Sourceful One copyright (c) quaalude 1996 [ToC] 1. Intro/System requirements 2. Command Line 3. Warranty 4. technical support [ 1 ] pcb2rg is a small program that simply converts a textfile containing pcboard format @x colour codes to renegade format | (pipe) colour codes. to run this version you must have dos version 3.30 or later :) [ 2 ] pcb2rg's command line is simple.. type in pcb2rg followed by the file to convert, then the file to output. ie: PCB2RG pcbfile.pcb output.asc [ 3 ] i can probably gaurantee this product to be buggy.. if it fucks your system in anyway, you can not hold me, the author responsible; your agreement of this is the minute you execute PCB2RG.EXE i can not be held liable. also, if you receive this program with a virus or some kind of bug know this: when i released the file it was bug free, the file passes through many computers before it reaches yours unless you get it straight off of mine. [ 4 ] technical support? call distraught continuum at 1-519-821-8486. located in Guelph Ontario Canada. you can send me email too: baxterj@mgl.ca if you like this program, and think it's worth it, send a donation to me, i can always use the cash :) if you want to do so, send me internet email, and i'll reply with a mailing address.