JSF-DIZ v1.00 - FILE_ID.DIZ/DESC.SDI Import Tool for PCBoard - 04/21/93 Copyright (c)1993 by John S. Fowler, Alternate Reality BBS 508-630-2913 Usage: JSF-DIZ FileList DiskDir [MaxLines] Where: FileList = FILE LISTING for PCBoard to be processed DiskDir = DISK DIRECTORY for files within the FileList MaxLines = MAXIMUM # OF LINES for descriptions (Default = 10 ) Example: JSF-DIZ C:\PCB\MAIN\DIR20 D:\DL20 5 JSF-DIZ will import any description files such as FILE_ID.DIZ, DESC.SDI, into your PCBoard file listings. This version requires the file be within the file listing to be processed. Future versions may read disk directory for files not included in the file list. JSF-DIZ is given as FREEWARE by the author to those who find it useful. My attempts to request registrations in the past have met overwhelming failure so I simply ask that if you would like to send a contribution then THANK YOU VERY MUCH. Send to: John S. Fowler, 36 Meadowbrook Lane, Gardner, Mass 01440