AddQueue - PCBoard Queue Utility (c) 1997 - Intelec Software An Intelec Software Extra These docs will be short and to the point. Some examples will be given at the end of the docs. Read them thoroughly, you take full responsibility for any lost/damaged data. DESCRIPTION This is a simple yet powerful utility to add files to the PCBoard Fido Queue from the command line. Both DOS and OS/2 EXE's are included and function identically. It supports, Crash, Hold, Killsent, and Filesend flags for the queue as well as wildcard adding. The utility is smart enough not to duplicate entries in the queue and will skip 0-byte files (already sent echomail). It does NOT support FREQ's at this time. INSTALLATION Extract the files to the directory of your choice. Only the EXE file(s) are required for operation. COMMAND LINE AddQueue has the following commandline options. []'s indicate optional parameters. All others are required. ADDQUE [?] - Displays a brief help screen. ADDQUE -Ffilespec -Nnodeaddress [-Pqueuepath] [-k] [-c] [-h] [-a] filespec - the full path and filename (wildcards *are* allowed) of the files to add to the queue. The full path/name cannot be longer than 79 characters. (ex. C:\FILES\SOMEFILE.TXT or C:\OUT\0000FFFF.*) nodeaddress - the node number to send the file(s) to. Point indicator is optional, but be warned, no check is made on the validity of the address entered and this value *is* used when checking duplicate entries for filesend's (1:19/19 is not considered the same as 1:19/19.0). 24 characters max. (ex. 1:19/19 or 239:1/1.20) queuepath - this is the PATH to the FIDOQUE.DAT file. This option must be used if the FIDOQUE.DAT file is not in the current directory. -k Sets the KillSent flag. This should be set for ALL echomail and netmail entries. Do not sent it for filesends unless you want the file deleted after it is sent. -a Sets the FileSend flag for the entries. Should be used for any files that aren't netmail or echomail bundles. -c Sets the Crash flag for the entries -h Sets the Hold flag for the entries Crash and Hold are mutually exclusive. The last one found on the commandline will be used if both are present. If neither are found, the entry will be marked Normal. EXAMPLES Here are a few examples of commandline operation ADDQUE -Fd:\fido\out\0000FFFF.* -N1:19/0 -k sends all 0000FFFF.* to 1:19/0 with their KILLSENT flag set, and marked as Normal. ADDQUE -Fd:\fido\out\0000FFFF.* -N1:19/0 -k -c -Pd:\pcb\fido same as above, but also marks them as Crash, and looks for the FIDOQUE.DAT file in the d:\pcb\fido directory. ADDQUE -Fd:\files\some.txt -N239:600/20.1 -a -h -Pd:\pcb\fido adds the file some.txt to the queue as a filesend going to 239:600/20.1 and it will be marked Hold. FOR %A IN (D:\OUT\*.PKT D:\FIDO\OUT\*.TU?) DO ADDQUE -F%A -N1:100/0 -K -H (COMMAND LINE ONLY -- For Batch files, see next example) This example uses a very powerful feature, the FOR..IN..DO command. For every *.PKT file in the D:\OUT directory, and every *.TU? file in the D:\FIDO\OUT directory, it will run the command line after the DO, replacing the %A with the full path\name of the file (in this case, to 1:100/0, KillSent, Hold). The same thing could be accomplished with 2 executions, but the FOR... lets you do it all in one pass. FOR %%A IN (D:\OUT\*.PKT D:\FIDO\OUT\*.TU?) DO ADDQUE -F%%A -N1:100/0 -K -H This example is identical to the one above, but shows the syntax when used in a batch file. The only difference is the %A's have been replaced with %%A's. SUPPORT Herbert Bushong Blackbeard's BBS (318) 468-3385 (V34+) e-mail Intelec - IS_Support Conference Fidonet - PCBOARD echo