Pro-Vote New in Version 4.7 If you deleted a poll other than the last one, the display of polls would stop at the deleted poll (except in the maintanence module). Fixed. Fixed a problem with the bulletin creation routine, where the bars were all at 100% though the rest of the information was correct. Added the ability to allow "write-in" answers on a poll by poll basis. This is turned on by using a new file called OPTIONS.### where ### is the number of the poll. This file and it's settings are automatically generated for new polls, but you will need to create them for existing polls that you want to add the "write-in" capabilities for. See the doc file for the format. When Write-in's are allowed, the maximum number of answers is still what you have put in the config file. Once that is reached, no new answers will allowed, so you may want to increase it (Line 3 in the config file). You also will define the security level in the OPTIONS file in order to add write in answers. A further note about polls with Write-Ins activated. Resetting it can be tricky, and the various options for doing make it a sticky situation. What I've choosen is to let you indicate how many answers to keep (minimum of 2 required). These will be reset to 0 and the rest discarded. If you want to keep all of them, just enter the number of the last answer when prompted. If the OPTIONS.### file doesn't exist for a poll, Write-In's are disabled automatically for that poll, so if you don't want to allow then, you don't need to do anything. Updated the MAINT.PPE to handle the new OPTIONS file. It will generate one when polls are added (and prompt you) or reset (no prompting, defaults used if it doesn't exist, or existing values otherwise). New in version 4.6 New Registration Code Routines added. Your old registration numbers are no longer valid. You will need to get a new KEY file. The information on how to obtain it is in the NEWKEY.TXT file. It is free to all existing registered sysops. Major Overhaul of code. Many changes internally, but the appearance should still be the same. Reduced Pro-Vote by 5K and the Maint. PPE by almost 10K! PPE was writing to the Callers Log as a door being opened at Login. No longer does this. Only enters the "Opened" line to the callers log when used at the command prompt and configured to do so. The Maximum number of possible Answers is now configurable (Limit is 4 while Unregistered) Enter the Number on Line 3 of the Config File. Line 4 of the configuration file, the location of the voting files, is no longer used. All files must reside in the same directory as the PPE. Not mentioned in the Docs, but if the file NOSHOW.LST exists in the PPE directory, it will be checked during LOGON processing, and if the current users name is found, Pro-Vote will abort its display (for those annoyed with it ). The file is standard text, 1 name per line. Improved the handling of the QUESTION files. There's no renaming, renumbering done anymore if you delete a poll in the middle. Instead, the number is skipped until you add a new poll, at which time the number will be re-used for the new poll. If you want to use alternate Graphics, security, language specific display files for the list of available polls, enter the base displayfile name on line 7 of the CNF file instead of MAKEMENU. Of course this isn't advisable if you allow others to Add polls as they can't update the display. I probably missed a few things in the history, I made a lot of changes and lost track of fixes to the old code and fixups to the new All Intelec Software is now owned by John Young Support and Programming now done by Herbert Bushong ===================================================================================== Changes/Fixes in version 4.5 (09-16-95) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Add Y or N flag to allow logging as a door being opened. Changes/Fixes in version 4.4 (07-02-95) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Minor code tweaking and better memory handling. Changes/Fixes in version 4.3 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Recompile. New Reg Codes Needed - See NEW-REG.NUM file. Changes/Fixes in version 4.2 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Minor code tweaking and recompile under PPLC 3.1 for PCBoard v15.21 Changes/Fixes in version 4.1 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Releases 3.9 through 4.1 were just code optimization Changes/Fixes in version 3.8 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Highly optimized coding, now even faster. Also Pro-Vote now updates the PCBoard Usernet files to reflect that node's activity. Changes/Fixes in version 3.7 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Fixed bug in updating PRO-VOTE.CNF when deleting poll in maintenance. Changes/Fixes in version 3.6 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ No major changes, smoothed operation, improved speed, cosmetic stuff. Changes/Fixes in version 3.5 No bugs, just features!! ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Added 11th line to CNF file, this is the security level you assign to determine who, if anyone, can add new polls to Pro-Vote. This is apart from the three user names that you can assign to do FULL maintenance! Also added BAR GRAPH support in both the display and bulletin screens! Changes/Fixes in version 3.4 No bugs, just features!! ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Aside from now supporting up to 999 separate polls there's still more! Added 4 lines to the config file, one is MAKEMENU (described below) and three are for your name and 2 other users (if you like) to access the new maintenance module feature (also described below). Some of the files have been renamed to accomodate more polls. Example, the "names list" PRO-VOTE.01N is renamed to NAMELIST.001, and so on. The "poll file" PRO-VOTE.01 is renamed to QUESTION.001, and so on. But we've included UPDATE.PPE in 3.4 so you don't have to do all this. If you're setting up PV for the first time you do not need UPDATE.PPE! Only if you are upgrading from a "previous version" of Pro-Vote do you need it. Put UPDATE.PPE in the same directory as PRO-VOTE.PPE and run Pro-Vote, it will rename the file(s) for you. Then delete UPDATE.PPE. But.... >>> BACK UP ALL FILES FIRST <<< Now added a SysOp maintenance module (MAINT.PPE)!! Just drop it in the same dir as PRO-VOTE.PPE and you are set. Make sure you add the names of those users, including you, that you want to have access to this. This feature will allow you, and/or 2 others if you decide, to be able to add new questionnaires, delete old ones, or to reset polls to "0". MAKEMENU! If you want Pro-Vote to make the menu "on the fly" then type this on line # 7. Then you won't have to update your PRO-VOTE.DSP menu when you add and drop polls! If you want to use your own menu called PRO-VOTE.DSP then leave this line blank. Now use Pro-Vote in the security specific logon files with commandline of L to display polls to users to show which polls there are or which they have/haven't answered yet. Use as shown below for this feature. !D:\PPE\PV\PRO-VOTE.PPE L