CKBUSY 1.4 Written by Chad Knudson Second Attempt at Writing Docs by John Lundell For PCBoard 14.x 03 April 92 CKBUSY is a utility that will let your users know why a node is busy or down when they try to do a CHAT or WHO. We are running six nodes and when we run an event, do maintenance on a node or any other activity that involves taking a node down, we wanted to tell our users why that node was tied up. It is a good way to let users know that the node is still operational but just tied up in some other activity. You can also use it in your door batch files to let your other users know what door a user is using. SETUP: Setup is very easy. Unzip CKBUSY into the PCB directory or in your PATH somewhere. That is all that is required. USAGE: To run CKBUSY, you can just type CKBUSY for a simple help screen. There are 3 different parameters you can pass to run CKBUSY. CKBUSY PATH NODE "WHAT" "WHO" PATH - The path to your USERNET.DAT file (usually D:\PCB\MAIN) NODE - Can be 3 numerals from 1 to 999 (Represents the node number) WHAT - (optional) Can be 24 characters (Normally the Users location) WHO - (optional) Can be 25 characters (Normally the User name) You can also use this option to put "pseudo users" on nodes that may not yet be active. Examples - [1] C:\CKBUSY D:\PCB\MAIN 1 "PACKING MESSAGES" "EVENT 1" [2] C:\CKBUSY D:\PCB\MAIN 61 "OPERATION OVERKILL" [3] C:\CKBUSY D:\PCB\MAIN 6 "AVAILABLE SOON" "INACTIVE NODE" [4] C:\CKBUSY D:\PCB\MAIN 3 [5] C:\CKBUSY D:\PCB\MAIN 3 /REMOVE [1] = In this example, CKBUSY would flag node 1 as being Unavailable for CHAT and "EVENT 1" would be where the users name normally goes, "PACKING MESSAGES" would show where the City and State normally show up. (#) Status User --- --------------------- ---------------------------- 1 Unavailable for CHAT EVENT 1 (PACKING MESSAGES) [2] = In this example, it would flag node 61 as being Out of Code, in a door and would leave the "WHO" part alone. You could use this to flag a node when a user opens a door... an example for the Operation Overkill door would be - D: CKBUSY D:\PCB\MAIN %NODE% "OPERATION OVERKILL" CD\PCB\DOORS\OOII OOINFO 4 %BASEPCB%\PCB\ %DSZPORT% OVERFIX 38400 OOII %BASEPCB% CD\PCB board (#) Status User --- --------------------- --------------------------------- 61 Out of Code In a Door JOHN LUNDELL (OPERATION OVERKILL) [3] = This example is similar to example 1, but shows how you can flag a node not currently in use on your BBS as being inactive. Say you have a PCBoard /E6, but only use 5 nodes. (#) Status User --- --------------------- ------------------------------ 6 Unavailable for CHAT INACTIVE NODE (AVAILABLE SOON) [4] = This shows how you can use CKBUSY to change the status of a node as having "no caller" without having anything more on the line. I use this one for my InterMail Front End. Without this, your Front End node would not even show up when a user typed WHO. (#) Status User --- --------------------- ------------------------------ 3 No Caller on this Node [5] = This shows how you can use CKBUSY to clear a node so that it will not show up when a user types WHO or CHAT. (#) Status User --- --------------------- ------------------------------ More Misc. Examples... CKBUSY D:\PCB\MAIN 5 "SENDING FAX" "FAXMAIL DOOR" CKBUSY D:\PCB\MAIN 1 "CALLING OUT" "SYSOP" CKBUSY D:\PCB\MAIN 7 "SLEEPING SOUNDLY" "LOUIS ZIRKEL" CKBUSY D:\PCB\MAIN 9 "GENERATING USERLIST" "LEVELRPT" Need more information - Registration? We have already had calls on our BBS telling us how unclear our docs are so if I totally confused you with all of this, feel free to call our BBS and ask.. we usually answer you within 12 hours.... млллм лл ллллл лл лл лл лл лллллл млллл млллл лл лл олн ллмлл лл лл лл ллммм пп мм плллп лл олн олн лллл лл лл ллммм ллллп 7 0 1 - 7 7 2 - 5 3 9 9 H S T - D S - V 3 2 To register your copy - all we ask is that you call our BBS and fill out the appropriate script in the CKWARE conference. It's FREE! Comments... Please forgive me for this doc file! Everyone knows how lucky they are that programmers write anything at all, right? Thanks to Clark Development Co., Inc. for THE BEST BBS program there is! PCBoard...