Welcome to Cam's Upload/Download Event Manger Program This is the World's easiest Upload/Download Manger that I know of for use with PCBoard 14.x Premium Bulletin Board Systems. While working for Clark Development Compnay, Inc. we received a number of calls on how to use PCBSM.EXE with adjusting Security Levels according to the number of files or the number of Bytes downloaded. To this day I still don't have a complete understanding of how it works. The other day Reginald Hirsch (Runs a GREAT BBS in Houston, Texas, "Ye Olde Bailey BBS" 713-520-1569) called me up and asked if I could write a program like to PCBUDA. However, I thought it could be done a little better and came up with this program. This program runs in your NIGHTLY EVENT. It works GREAT!!! The program has been tested on both a Stand Alone IBM 286 Compatible with 1000 Users (Using PCBoard 14.5a). The program was also tested on a 6 Node BBS using LANtastic with 3,500 users. I've done a lot of testing, but I will not be responsible for anything that happens. It's up to you to make sure that the config file(s) have been made properly. The program is very easy to setup and very configurable. Everything that needs to be done is handled in a CONFIG file of your choice. Here's the basic structure of the config file (Use a TEXT editor that puts a CR/LF at the end of each line): Line 1: E:\PCB\PCBOARD.DAT [Path/Name of PCBOARD.DAT File] Line 2: Y [Create the Bulletin File] Line 3: BLT1 [Path/Name of Bulletin File] Line 4: @X0B [Border Color] Line 5: @X0C [Inside Border Color] Line 6: @X0E [Program Name Color] Line 7: @X09 [Users Name Color] Line 8: @X0A [Num of File Uplds Color] Line 9: @X0B [Num of File Dnlds Color] Line 10: @X0C [File Ratio Color] Line 11: @X0D [Num of Byte Uplds Color] Line 12: @X0E [Num of Byte Dnlds Color] Line 13: @X0F [Byte Ratio Color] Note: Lines 14 thru 18 are where the hard core of the program lies Line 14: 20 [GOOD USER LEVEL] Line 15: 19 [BAD USER LEVEL] Line 16: A [A = Use a BYTE/FILE Ratio, B = Byte Ratio, F = File Ratio] Line 17: 10 [Ratio to Use] Line 18: 0 [Free Files Allowed before Adjusting Security (Only Used if you are using the F command [File Ratio)] repeat steps 13 thru 17 for any additional security levels to be adjusted. Line 18: STOP [This should be your LAST LINE in your CONFIG file] Okay, now let's go through a scenario here. Okay Night of the Old BBS has these security levels: 18 - Verified Public User (10 to 1 Download/Upload Ratio) 16 - Verified Public User (20 to 1 Download/Upload Ratio) 14 - Verified Public User (30 to 1 Download/Upload Ratio) 10 - Verified Public User (No Downloads Permited due to Ratio) Now, all we need to do is setup the CAMS-UDR.CNF file like this: Line 1: E:\PCB\PCBOARD.DAT [Path/Name of PCBOARD.DAT File] Line 2: Y [Create the Bulletin File] Line 3: BLT1 [Path/Name of Bulletin File] Line 4: @X0B [Border Color] Line 5: @X0C [Inside Border Color] Line 6: @X0E [Program Name Color] Line 7: @X09 [Users Name Color] Line 8: @X0A [Num of File Uplds Color] Line 9: @X0B [Num of File Dnlds Color] Line 10: @X0C [File Ratio Color] Line 11: @X0D [Num of Byte Uplds Color] Line 12: @X0E [Num of Byte Dnlds Color] Line 13: @X0F [Byte Ratio Color] Line 14: 18 [GOOD USER LEVEL] Line 15: 16 [BAD USER LEVEL] Line 16: F [Use a File Ratio] Line 17: 10 [Ratio to Use] Line 18: 0 [Free Files Allowed before Adjusting Security] Line 19: 16 [GOOD USER LEVEL] Line 20: 14 [BAD USER LEVEL] Line 21: F [Use a F = File Ratio] Line 22: 20 [Ratio to Use] Line 23: 0 [Free Files Allowed before Adjusting Security] Line 24: 14 [GOOD USER LEVEL] Line 25: 30 [BAD USER LEVEL] Line 26: F [Use a File Ratio] Line 27: 10 [Ratio to Use] Line 28: 0 [Free Files Allowed before Adjusting Security] Line 30: STOP That's what a config file what look like for a BBS that uses that type. What I suggest is that you start from your HIGHEST SECURITY LEVEL and see which levels you are going to put a Ratio on. Then make the config file from the Highest Security Level down to the Lowest. Now if a user is declared as a BAD User, once his Ratio is back to where it should be, the program will raise his security level to the GOOD USER level. NOTE #1: You can have up to 25 different securitys in the file. If you need more than 25, please let me know and I'll change the program around. NOTE #2: The Program is VERY FAST. Hope you like it!! Now, let's get figure out how we run this program. In order for the program to work you need to pass TWO command line paramters to it. CAMS-UDR.EXE ConfigName options[/ADJUST, /MSGS:xxxx] ConfigName - This is the PATH/NAME of the Config File. /ADJUST - This tells the program to ADJUST the security levels as needed. If you don't run the /ADJUST switch, the program will only create a Bulletin (If you answered yes in the config file) file. The purpose of the /ADJUST is to make sure you really want to adjust security levels. If you want to look at the program in LOCAL mode, then just enter the config file name and let the program show you what's going to happen. /MSGS:xxxx - Here's where the BEEF of the program really lies. What this feature does is notifies the user via a message in PCBoard that his/her security level has been adjusted. Now, you may think that this is nothing, but let me tell you a story. I implemented this feature for a local board that I run for a friend of mine. Once we started running the program, users started contributing more to the board (Both with UPLOADS and with monetary contributions $$$). In about a two week period, we had 15 contributions come in (Not bad)!! This feature requires that you create a text file called SECxx (where xx represents a security level). This text file should explaine what the users security level and ratio is, and anything else that you feel you would like to add. If you are running a paid board (Trying to get contributions), you might want to suggest in this text file that the user makes a contribution for a certain amount of money to waive the file ratio. Believe me, it works!! If you have any problems with this feature (Don't quite understand how it works), please give me a voice call. I've included several example SECxx files that we used for this board. In order for this to work properly, you will need to get ahold of Robert Vostrey's TXT2MSG.EXE program. My program uses this program to insert the message (I was too lazy and didn't want add this feature ). The /ADJUST paramter is used in conjunction with this. Be sure you add this to the command line if you wish to have the messages inserted. The xxx represents the PATH/NAME of your MSGS file. See my examples if you need help (Or give me a voice call). ****** Examples ***** CAMS-UDR CAMS-UDR.CNF /ADJUST /MSGS:C:\PCB\MAIN\MSGS This will adjust your users security level if they go beyond their present ratio. It will then post a message to the user indicating why their security level was adjusted. CAMS-UDR CAMS-UDR.CNF This basically is just runs the program without actually updating the USERS file. It will let you see what users were adjusted (If you can read as fast as it prints out ). CAMS-UDR CAMS-UDR.CNF /ADJUST This will adjust the ratios. No messages will be left to users who were adjusted. Remember, this program should be run in your nightly event. I have heard of people running it in their $$LOGOFF.BAT file. That's really about it. If you have any questions about the program you can reach me on either my BBS or at home: Node 1 - (801)489-3558 [HST 1440, Sorry, no V.32] VOICE - (801)489-8935 [Home/Business number] I can also be found on these Networks in the Sysops Conference: U'NI-net, and ILink --Cam-- A big thank you goes to Reginald for his assistance with the Program!!