The WhereIs program and documentation are Copyright (c) 1990 by Keith Ledbetter. All rights reserved. This file provides information for disk vendors; any person or organization distributing software on disks (or through any other medium, including electronic file transfer) for a fee will be considered a disk vendor in this context. This explicitly includes commercial and non-profit user group libraries. To begin distributing WhereIs and its associated files, you must obtain written permission from me. This is a must because it's the only way that I can guarantee that you will always have the latest version of the program. Once you have received permission from me, you will always be sent a disk with the latest version of the program when upgrades occur. To obtain this permission, please send me a copy of your standard written materials (catalogs/flyers) which clearly explain the shareware concept, the need for users to register the products they use, and the fact that the price of your disks is a copying fee only and does not constitute payment for the product. If you carry both shareware and public domain software/freeware then your materials must make a clear distinction between these two categories. Only if these basic concepts are explicitly stated in your written materials will I be confident that your customers are fully informed about what they are paying for. If you are an Approved Vendor of the Association of Shareware Professionals(r) (ASP), you have my permission to start distri- buting WHEREIS.EXE immediately. However, I still require getting a notification within four weeks stating the following: - the fact that you are an Associate Member of the Association of Shareware Professionals - the date you started distributing WhereIs - the version of WhereIs that you are distributing I strongly recommend that you consider becoming an ASP approved vendor if you have not already done so. The ASP vendor program reduces the workload for both authors and vendors, and helps give customers confidence that reasonable standards are met in the distribution of shareware products. For more information on the ASP vendor program, contact the ASP at: Association of Shareware Professionals Vendor Certification Committee P.O. Box 5786 Bellevue, WA 98006 U. S. A.