What Extension? Nordevald Software Copyright 1991 All Rights Reserved. PURPOSE: What Extension is a small utility designed to be used in batch files. It will check the filename provided to it on the command line and return an errorlevel based on the extension. It is primarily designed to check for compressed files; however, it will test for any extension provided the extension is specified on the command line. FORMAT: WHATEXT [/? or /V] [ext1] [ext2] ... [extn] /? = show help screen /V = show version information = filename to test, may include path [ext] = optional additional extensions to test for will return errorlevels beginning at 10 Errorlevels: -2 = no filename sent to program -1 = filename has no extension 0 = unknown extension 1 = ZIP 2 = LZH 3 = ARC 4 = PAK 5 = ZOO 6 = ARJ 10 = first optional extension on command line n = 9 + nth extension on command line EXAMPLES: WHATEXT D:\DOWNLOADS\NEWFILE.ZIP -> Errorlevel = 1 WHATEXT D:\NEW\SOMEFILE -> Errorlevel = -1 WHATEXT THISFILE.EXE -> Errorlevel = 0 To test for additional extensions, add them to the command line after the filename. If the filename contains one of these, the errorlevel returned will be 9 + the extension's position on the command line with the first extension being in position one. For instance, if you enter WHATEXT myfile.com TXT COM GIF WHATEXT will return an errorlevel of 11 ( TXT = 10, COM = 11, GIF = 12 ). LEGAL MUMBO JUMBO There is no charge for the use of the utility. This utility was written in good faith and usage as described above should not cause you any problems, however, no warranties apply. You may _freely_ share this utility, provided the EXE and DOC files remain unmodified and are distributed together. Vendors may not distribute this utility without written permission from Nordevald Software. CONTACT Programmer: Marianne Love Primary Contact: Nordevald Software BBS (author id: CASSI) Authorized DCI Distribution Boards: Nordevald Software 813/961-0788 FLTAM 1200-9600 HST Bird Lake BBS 813/265-3256 FLTAM 1200-2400 The Longbow BBS 813/265-8441 FLTAM 1200-9600 v.32 OMNIBUS BBS 619/464-6271 CASDI 1200-9600 v.32 DCI BBS Software is also available on BIX (author id: m.love) in the BBS Conference Listings and on GENIE (author id: M.LOVE3) in the BBS RT Listings. WISHES Enjoy!