AUTODESC (c) 1991-92 Karl Schneider S & H Engineering 8505 Woodwick Ct. For Wildcat! 3.0x+ ONLY! Tampa, FL 33615 813-884-9661 voice day/eve bbs midnite-0600 EST REVISION HISTORY ********************************************************************** 2-9-92 UPDATE: NOW SUPPORTS .ARJ AND .LZH ARCHIVES TOO! ********************************************************************** 12-07-91. BUG FIX. Previous version could hang up on some uploads if WC put the record in a 'deleted' record's location in ALLFILES.DAT. Please replace any earlier versions with the one dated today, 12-7-91! *********************************************************************** 11/30/91. This date's version now searches the ALLFILES.DAT from the end rather than the beginning which will usually speed up its operation greatly. Note, however, that if files have recently been DELETED by Wildcat (or a PRO utility) the new upload may be put in the 'hole' left by the deletion which could be near the BEGINNING of the that case, AUTODESC will be slow on very large ALLFILES.DATs. I'm still looking for a compatible BTree toolbox for C that will permit better performance on this and some other WC util- ities. You may want to run WCREPAIR on your Files to get rid of any unused records occasionally, this will speed up AUTODESC con- siderably. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 11/24/91. MAJOR CHANGE! Added code to make Desqview Aware, CHANGED DESCRIPTION FILE NAME. WC3DESC is NOT now supported! AUTODESC now looks for either DESC.SDI or FILE_ID.DIZ for its description! This has been requested by several people. Please erase any versions of AUTODESC or PUTDESC dated before 11/24/91. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 11/15/91 update: Added PUTDESC.EXE and PUTDESC.DOC to this archive. You may wish to create a separate .ZIP with these 2 files in it for your users to download. See PUTDESC.DOC file for details. ===================================================================== ===================================================================== About The Program AUTODESC is a utility program I wrote to hopefully simplify adding file descriptions when uploading to Wildcat 3.0 systems. It works in your SCANFILE.BAT along with other utilities you may have which verify ZIP files like ZIPLAB (c), CATSCAN (c), etc. What AUTODESC does is check uploaded .ZIP files for the existence of DESC.SDI or FILE_ID.DIZ. If EITHER has been included in the .ZIP upload, it reads it and inserts its contents into the Wildcat 3.0 File Database DESCRIPTION. You can tell your users that they can add one of these to any .ZIP, .ARJ or .LZH file they wish to upload, then when asked by Wildcat for its description, just press Enter (or type anything else...AUTODESC will over-write it anyway). I believe this may appeal to some users, avoiding having to type descriptions online after uploading. Uploads other than those with any of these 3 extensions are ignored. To use AUTODESC: 1. You must have PKUNZIP.EXE on your system so that it can be run from your WC Home directory...(in your PATH or WC dir) If you allow .ARJ and/or .LZH uploads, you must ALSO have ARJ.EXE and LHARC.EXE pathed. If you have a later LHA program called LHA.EXE, you must either re-name it or COPY it to LHARC.EXE. 2. Put AUTODESC.EXE anywhere in your PATH. 3. Create or add to your SCANFILE.BAT (in your Wildcat Home directory) the following command: autodesc %1 That's all there is to it! Please note that if you are doing OTHER things in SCANFILE that require you to change directory, like maybe to the wcwork\node%NODEID% , you will need to CD back to the WCat HOME dir before calling AUTODESC. Remember to tell your users that ONLY 60 characters are allowed for the description! If they make it longer, or more than one line, AUTODESC will just chop it off at the 60th char! If they use PUTDESC, it will be taken care of automatically. Note that AUTODESC will also work with LOCAL uploads; so that is a way you can add descriptions to your WC files without having to type them in while you're logged in locally... Try to let your users know that AUTODESC is installed...maybe a bulletin, a short note in your PREUP.BBS display file, or both... AUTODESC is successfully operating on many Wildcat 3.x+ systems and I have not had any reports of problems, but as with any software, wide variations in system configurations can sometimes cause unexpected or unforseeable results. For this reason, I make no warranties with respect to this program as to its usability, safety to data, or any results deriving from its use, and accept no responsibility for any loss or damages directly or indirectly caused by using it. If the program is useful to you, a modest registration is in order. If you contribute $30 or more, you will be entitled to support on ALL my WC3 utilities. Any bug reports, comments or suggestion are solicited and welcome! Thanks. -eof-