AutoScribe PCB Using CK-SEND ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ CK-SEND is a telecommunications program that will send your checks from AutoScribe to the ATS collection bulletin board automatically every day in an event or when ever you like. CK-SEND will be found in your default AS40 directory. The only other necessary piece of software required is PKZIP which can be found on any bulletin board. PKZIP *MUST* be able to be found within your path. If not you will receive an error telling you that CK-SEND can not find PKZIP. CK-SEND will send only one database at a time so it is necessary if you create more than one database a day to place CK-SEND in a loop within a batch file. An example of a batch file used would be as follows: CHECKIT.BAT @echo off cd \pcb\doors\as40\ATS :start ck-send d:\aspcb 5 if exist *.dbf goto top This batch file first turns echoing off, the :start is a label that will tell the batch file where to go to if a certain condition is met. The next line is the ck-send command line (discussed below) and the next line tells the batch file that if any files with the extention of .dbf exist within that directory to then go to the start label and run until all the .dbf files have been remove. CK-SEND requires on a couple of command lines to operate. The structure of that command line is: CK-SEND <# of Attempts to call> <[debug]> CK-SEND is the excutable filename to be executed Path to ASPCB Dir - Place the complete path to your AS40 directory. CK-SEND must be able to find the ASPCB.CNF file # of Attempts - Enter the number of tries you want CK-SEND to attempt in connecting with the ATS system. CK-SEND will call if busy until all the number of attempts has expired. AutoScribe PCB Using CK-SEND ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ <[debug]> - This option will allow you to view what is going on underneath the CK-SEND program. Normally, CK-SEND will only show you what is happening but if you need to view the exact operation of CK-SEND you can place a 1 in this position and the screen will be split and allow you to see CK-SEND in operation and also view any errors if one occurs. Examples: CK-SEND C:\PCB\DOORS\AS40 5 (The above line will have CK-SEND call the ATS system 5 times. The home directory for ASPCB 4.0 is in the AS40 directory) CK-SEND C:\PCB\DOORS\AS40 3 1 (The above will attempt to connect 3 times before quitting. This will also turn on the debug function so you can see what is going on during the call. -------------------------- Example of CK-SEND script -------------------------- CK-SEND Copyright(C) 1995 CompuDoc Consulting (v1.0) For EXCLUSIVE use with AutoScribe PCB and ATS Systems. (Initializing Modem) Dialing ATS BBS Connecting.... Logging in as Gary Smith xxxxx! Joining Conference 10 (Success) Sending Upload Command Uploading File Description Uploading Database (via Internal Zmodem) Upload of Database Successful, Logging Off... Moved Database file to Archive |-- In the above script, CK-SEND connects with the ATS system after initializing the modem and sending the dialing string. You will see the "connecting..." string once carrier has been established. Next when your name is prompted, your Name and Password are sent to the ATS system. CK-SEND then attempts to join the apppropriate conference you set in the ASM program, upon success you will see the string "(Success)". This ensures that CK-SEND is in the right conference for the upload. Next AutoScribe PCB Using CK-SEND ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ CK-SEND attempts to inform the ATS system that it has a file to upload. Once acknowledged, CK-SEND sends the description of that file to the ATS system and then using our Internal ZMODEM will upload your Zipped Database file to the ATS System. CK-SEND will either return a successful upload or Unsuccessful upload. If the upload was successful, the Zipped database file is moved to your archive directory and the xxxxxxx.dbf file is removed from the system to avoid the possibility of uploading it again. If the upload was Unsuccessful, the Zipped Database is removed from the system and the xxxxxxx.dbf file is left intact and ready for the next attempt. AutoScribe PCB Accepting CHECKS ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ You do not have to use the ATS system to accept checks (However we highly recommend it!). In your HELP sub-directory you will find a sample CHECK.TXT file. This file can be used as a template file for your check information. This will allow you to customize a file for your check processor. The CHECK.TXT file can contain any of the ASPCB @ codes listed in the appendix. To use the CHECK.TXT system, you must select CHECKS in the configuration portion of ASM (ie, Inform ASPCB that you want to accept checks.) Under the Checking Options, ensure you select N when asked if you will be using the ATS system. ASPCB will now know that you want to accept checks and allow that capability but will not build the ATS databases. Instead, in your INVOICES directory that you defined under PATHS you will find a new file each time a member uses a check to pay for thier selection. This file will be in the format of (INVOICENO.CHK), the current invoice number and the suffix of .chk. You can then take this text file that was created from your CHECK.TXT template and send it to your own check provider.