ÚÄÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» ³ º Û ³ º ÛßßÝ ÛßÝÛ ÛÞßÛÞßÛ ÛßßÛ Û Û ÛßÝÛ ÛßÝÛ ÛßßÝ ³ º Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û ßß Û Û Û Û Û ÚÍÍÍÍÍÍÙ ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍ» ÛÜÜÛ ÛÜÜÛ Û Û Û ÛÞÜÛ ÛÞÜÛ ÛÜÜÛ ÛÜÜÛ ÛÜÜÛ ³ º Û Consulting ³ º ³ º Affordable, Quality Doorware for all BBS types. ÔÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ÖÄÄÄÄÄĽ 1840 Haverhill Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23456 ³ º BBS (804) 468 - 1783 / 1492 / 1386 ³ º ³ º ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĽ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ AutoScribe PCB 4.0x ³ ³ (PCBoard Version) ³ ³ The Automated Subscription Door ³ ³ Copyright(c) 1992-95, Compu-Doc Con. ³ ³ Written by Gary Smith ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Version 4.0x Created By Gary R. Smith Copyright (c) 1992-95 - Compu-Doc Consulting BBS Name as Registered: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Registration Number Received: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ License to Use Agreement ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Compu-Doc Consulting, (hereafter referred to as"CDC"), grants to the purchaser - and purchaser accepts - a non-transferable and nonexclusive license to use, on a single computer, the software products and accompanying materials provided to the purchaser by CDC. Purchaser is hereby licensed only to read the program from its medium into the memory of a single computer solely for the purpose of executing the program. CDC shall have the right to terminate this license if purchaser violates any of its provisions. Purchaser agrees that the software products and accompanying materials are the property of CDC and that CDC shall maintain title to and ownership of the software products at all times. Purchaser agrees to make no more than one (1) additional working copy and one (1) backup copy of the software products for their personal use only. CDC makes no warranties of any kind, expressed or implied, with respect to the quality, performance, accuracy, or fitness of the software products for any particular purpose. CDC assumes no responsibility for any decisions make or actions taken on the part of the purchaser because of the use of the software products. In no event shall CDC, or any of its representatives, be liable for any loss of profit or any other damages, arising out of the use or inability to use this product - even if CDC or an authorized agent of such has been advised of the possibility of such damages - or for any claim by any other party. CDC reserves the right to make changes, enhancements and improvements to the software products at any time without notice. DISCLAIMER ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ There is made no warranty of any kind, express or implied including, without limitation, any warranties of merchantability and / or fitness for a particular purpose. CDC shall not be liable for any damages, whether direct, indirect, special or sequential arising from a failure of this program to operate in the manner desired by the User. CDC shall not be liable for any damage to data or property which may be caused directly or indirectly by the User of this program. IN NO EVENT WILL CDC BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR ANY DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY LOST PROFITS, LOST SAVINGS OR OTHER INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF YOUR USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM, OR FOR ANY CLAIM BY ANY OTHER PARTY. AutoScribe PCB(tm) is a Trademark of Compu-Doc Consulting Borland C++ is a Registered Trademark of Borland International PCBoard is a Registered Trademark of Clark Development Company AutoScribe PCB INTRODUCTION ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Features of AutoScribe PCB 4.0x: o Accept Credit Cards or Checks electronicallY! Watch your Subscriptions double overnight! o Automatic upgrade of your users. No longer do you have to manually update. o Supports language files and custmoized prompts! o Keeps all pertinent user data such as registration and payment information in an easy to use database. o Allows more than just the 1 line of information other doors allow you. ASPCB for PCBoard allows up to 24k of information! and with COLOR! o Takes no time from your users, Once in the door they are safe from logoff (Unless the keyboard timer logs them off or they drop carrier). o Ck-Send program automatically uploads your checks if using the ATS (Automated Transaction Services) system. o Actually uses Dbase records and memo files. Subscription and Users information are editable! o Sysop defineble Invoices, Receipts, Check data. o Allows download (By configurable protocols!) of your registration text file, or invoices upon purchase! o Versatile Database which is configurable and uses @ color codes o User-friendly interfaces for both the SYSOP and the User! o Configurable to accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and many more popular credit cards! and now CHECKS! o Instantly verifies different card types by actual computation! Check accounts (Routing Numbers) are also checked via computation to avoid misinterpreted input. o Can operate at speeds up to 115,000 Baud! o Written completely in Borland C++ and PCB TOOLKIT for increased speed and compatibility! AutoScribe PCB Registering ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ When you purchase AutoScribe PCB 4.0+ you will receive a REGISTRATION NUMBER that will remove the "(((EVALUATION COPY)))" lines and small pauses from the version you are using. NOTE that the unregistered version will only allow the showing of the first item in the database. There are no time restrictions placed on a particular version of AutoScribe PCB. (NO annual fees. NO Key files that die out on you after a short time. You OWN this version!) Bug fixes and amendments for this version are free and may be downloaded from the Support BBS. Subsequent releases will be available at a reduced Upgrade price for Registered Users. AutoScribe PCB Installation ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Installing AutoScribe PCB AutoScribe PCB is provided with an install program that will copy all the necessary file over to a user defined directory. Follow the guidelines set forth below to install ASPCB 4.0. a) Create a temporary directory and unzip the ASPCBx.zip file into that directory. (Do not put it in the directory to which it is to be moved to.) b) Run the Install Program. The install program asks for you to enter the directory which is to be used for the installation process. To abort the install process, press the ESC key. c) After verifying that the install directory is correct, press the key to continue. Install will commence to create the directories/sub-directories and move the files to the correct location. ³ HINT: To find the version of each AutoScribe PCB file you ³ are running, check the File Creation Time. If the file ³ creation time is 4:00, you have version 4.00 of AutoScribe ³ PCB. If the time is 4:01 then you would be running version ³ 4.01 of AutoScribe PCB. (Please have this version number ³ ready when calling our support line or BBS for assistance. ³ ³ NOTE: Voice support is only availabe to registered users. d) Upon completion of INSTALL, the INSTALL program will place you in the directory where ASPCB 4.0 was installed. e) Next you will need a batch file that will call the ASPCB program from within PCBoard. If you have not installed a door before we suggest you read chapter 3 of the PCBoard Sysops Manual for Sysops. AS40 (Our example batch file) Our example belows use the PCB enviornment variables to avoid confusion when upgrading our system. You can use this method from 1 - 1000 nodes.) AutoScribe PCB Installation ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Name of batch file: AS40 (Notice no extension!) Line 1 @echo off Line 2 cd c:\pcb\doors\aspcb Line 3 ASPCB Line 4 %pcbdrive% Line 5 cd %pcbdir% Line 6 board Meanings: Line 1 Turns off the local screen echo (Dos 3.3 and above) Line 2 Changes to the directory where AutoScribe is stored. Line 3 AutoScribe PCB executable statement (Note: no extra arguments are needed!) Line 4 Ensures you are on the nodes drive when returning Line 5 Changes back to the nodes directory. Line 6 Brings the board back up ** This file is to be placed in the PCBoard or BBS directory or in the path that you setup within PCBSETUP describing where your batch files are located for doors. f) The next step for setting up AutoScribe PCB is to add it to BBS doors listing. This is performed through the PCBoard SETUP program. In the PCBSETUP editor for doors, place the name of the batch file you just created above in a slot for a door, give it a minimum security level, Ensure that you enter a Y for create a USERS.SYS file and do not use shell. Your PCBsetup file should look like the following: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ USER DOOR Charges Per Path to Sec Login SYS SYS Shell Minute Use DOOR Files ÍÍÍ ÍÍÍÍÍ ÍÍÍÍ ÍÍÍÍ ÍÍÍÍÍ ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ 5 N Y N N 0 0 H:\PCB\DOORS ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Save the settings above. g) This completes the basic setup of AutoScribe PCB. Please read further to configure AutoScribe to run with your database and software. You *MUST* run the ASM program before starting the door program. AutoScribe PCB AutoScribe Manager (ASM.EXE) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Now that you have installed AutoScribe, You are ready to complete the final setup using AutoScribe Manager or as it will be referred to for now on ASM. The ASM program is your complete manager program is all you will need to configure the configuration file (ASPCB.CNF), the ck.dat file and other associated database files. ³ NOTE: Unlike earlier version of AutoScribe, you can not ³ edit the configuration files with a simple text ³ editor. They *MUST* be configured only with the ³ ASM program. The ASM file must be executed from AutoScribe's own directory. If not, you will re-create all the necessary files to run AutoScribe as defaults in whatever directory you are in. To begin, type ASM from the command line. The MAIN MENU of ASM will be presented to you. From here you can navigate anywhere within the ASM program that you need to. You can use either your arrow keys or mouse to navigate with. To exit many of the sub menus you will need to press the ESCAPE (ESC) key or your right mouse button (Right handed mice) 1. Configuration Information 2. Financial Information 3. Paths and Filenames 4. Subscription Maintenance 5. User Maintenance 6. Transfer Protocols 7. Pack Databases 8. Exit Program The following pages will describe what each function performs in detail. (You should go through each one numerically when first starting) ³ HELP: Context-sensitive help is provided throughout the ³ ASM program. When you are at an item that you desire ³ some help, just press F1. Pressing F1 will bring up the ³ help screen. By pressing Index, You can navigate ³ anywhere in the help system with a single key stroke. AutoScribe PCB AutoScribe Manager (ASM.EXE) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1) Configuration - This is where some basic information about your setup is retrieved from: (When completed press F10 to save or ESC to leave the items as they were) ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ CONFIGURATION ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ BBS Name............. Random Access Registration Number........ 50819 Auto Registration.......... Y Turn dots On............... N Entry in Callers Log....... N Show Security Level Order.. N Payment Options: Accept Credit Cards........ Y Accept Checks.............. Y Use the TABS System........ N Coming Soon! |----- BBS Name - Enter the name of your BBS as it is registered with Compudoc Consulting. Registration Number - This is the number you will receive from Compudoc when you register. Auto Registration - Enter a Y here if you want Autoscribe to Automatically update your users credits, security level and expiration date upon a valid purchase. Turn dots on - This will allow dots to show when the user is entering a credit card. Entry in callers log - Enter a Y here if you want ASPCB to place an entry in that nodes caller log when a users upgrades via ASPCB. Show Security Level Order - Placing a Y here will show your subscriptions in security level order (Note that numbers below 10 such as 9, 5 3 etc do not show properly), An N will let them be shown in the order in which they were entered into your database. Accept Credit Cards - Enter a Y if you expect to accept credit cards. AutoScribe PCB AutoScribe Manager (ASM.EXE) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Accept Checks - Enter a Y if you expect to accept checks. (It is not mandatory to use the ATS system, ASPCB will still write invoices without using ATS. Use the TABS System - Enter a Y to use the tabs system (Not implemented in this version) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 2) Financial Information - This selection will bring up the following menu. This area handles all the financial information needed to run AutoScribe PCB. 1. Handling Information 2. Credit Card Information 3. Checking Information 4. TelePC Setup 5. Return to Main Menu ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 2 - 1) Handling Information ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ BASIC ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Tax Percentage....... 0.00 Handling Percentage.. 0.00 State to Charge Tax.. VA |-- Tax Percentage - Enter the amount of tax (Percentage) that is to be charged to users if the states to be taxed are matched. (ie.. a 5% tax would be entered as .05) Handling Percentage - Enter the amount of handling charge that is to be charged to purchasers for each item charged. (ie a 3% handling charge would be entered as .03) ³ NOTE: If the amount is GREATER THAN 1.00 then the amount ³ charged for handling will reflect that dollar amount ³ and will NOT BE treated as a percentage. (Ex. 2.00 ³ entered will have $2.00 charged as handling) State to Charge Tax - Enter the two letter state code that is to be charged tax. If the users state matches the state code here, that user will be charged the amount of tax in the Tax Percentage slot. Enter ALL to charge everyone regardless of state, Tax. AutoScribe PCB AutoScribe Manager (ASM.EXE) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 2 - 2) Credit Card Information ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ FINANCIAL ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Diners Ancillary................. Y Diners Club..................... Y American Express................ Y Carte Blanche.................. Y Visa........................... Y Mastercard..................... Y Discover........................ Y JCB............................. Y Card Processor....... Card Processor |-- Credit Cards (Various) - Enter a Y if you will the use of that particular card on your system or a N if not. Card Processor - Enter the name that will appear on your users credit card statement. This is the processor name. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 3 - 3) Checking Information ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ ATS Marketing ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Use ATS Check Service Y Registered Company|Name: Compudoc Consulting Merchant I.D. JQ0F9 Check Memo Field Compudoc Enable Check Verify N Enable Check Guarantee N Sysop Initials GRS Do you have a Merchant Account or Production Account (M/P) M COM PORT 1 IRQ 4 Baud Rate 38400 Port Address: 3f8 Phone Num: 4681783 Login Name: Gary Smith Conference Number To Join: 500 Modem Setup: E1 M0 AutoScribe PCB AutoScribe Manager (ASM.EXE) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ |-- Use ATS Check Service - If you are using the Automated Transaction Service checking option enter a Y here else enter a N and check out the included documentation concerning this automated checking service. Registered Company|Name - Enter the name that you registered with ATS. Merchant I.D. - Enter the Merchant ID assigned to you by ATS. This will be a maximum of 5 characters and will be used as your password on the ATS bbs for check uploads. Check Memo Field - Enter a memo that will show up on your customers check. Enable Check Verify - Enter a Y to enable check verify (See ATS documentation) Enable Check Guarantee - Enter a Y to enable check guarantee (See ATS documentation) Sysop Initials - The Sysop that has the account with Automated Transaction Services should enter thier initials here. Do you have a Merchant or Production Account - Enter a M for Merchant account or P for Production. A merchant account is one that has a paper trail, A production account is a paperless trail account that allows inputing funds into your bank account automatically. Com Port - Select the com port that the CK-SEND program will use to send the databases to ATS. IRQ - Select the IRQ that is set for your machine. This is the port that CK-SEND will use. Baud Rate - Select the baud rate that your modem will operate at when using the CK-SEND program. Port Address - Select the appropriate port address for the port that CK-SEND will use. Phone Num - Enter the phone number to dial for the ATS check service. Login Name - Enter your login name for the ATS system. Only First and Last Name are needed. Your merchant ID is your password. Conference Number - Enter the conference number on the ATS bbs to join prior to uploading your database files. AutoScribe PCB AutoScribe Manager (ASM.EXE) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Modem Setup - If your modem requires a setup string, enter it here. This string will be sent to the modem prior to calling the ATS system. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 2 - 4) TelePC Setup ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ TelePC Information ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Use TelePC Support.. N TelePC Directory.... TelePC Directory\ Server Name (Lantastic Only) Server Name Seconds to pause between NET commands: 3 |-- Use TelePC Support.............Enter a "Y" if you own and intend to use the TelePC program, sold by Teleflora credit line. ³ NOTE: AutoScribe will automatically call out using TelePC-B ³ and obtain the verification needed if you place a "Y" ³ here. If you do not use this software please enter a ³ "N" NETWORK OPERATIONS WITH TELEPC (If you are not running lantastic leave the TELEPC directory and the SERVER NAME BLANK!!! and ensure the TelePC program is in the ASPCB directory) TelePC Directory - This is the FULL path to the TELEPC-B program. The drive letter must exist on every machine. ex. We have set up our SERVER-2 C-DRIVE as drive I:. Using Lantastic my nodes login to the server with the command Login/wait SERVER-2 SERVER-1 etc. The command to use I as a drive is issued as NET USE I: \\SERVER-2\C-DRIVE. Server-2 must ALSO recognize its own C-DRIVE as the I: drive. cmds: SERVER-1: LOGIN/WAIT \\SERVER-2 SERVER-1 NET USE I: \\SERVER-2\C-DRIVE SERVER-2: NET USE I: \\SERVER-2\C-DRIVE AutoScribe PCB AutoScribe Manager (ASM.EXE) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ SERVER NAME - Enter the servers name here (Such as SERVER-2 as used above in the example). Seconds to pause between NET commands: Enter the seconds the machine should pause when issuing commands to NET. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 3. Paths and Filenames ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ PATHS/FILENAMES ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Path where Invoices should be located: Path/Filename of Receipt Template: Path/Filename of Invoice Template: Logoff Path/File Name: Opening Screen Path/Name: (Registered Only) Path/Filename of downloadable registration file: Path where ATS Checks Database should be located: Path where PURCHASE.TXT and CHECK.TXT are located: Path where ATS Databases should be archived (Blank if not in use): |-- Path where Invoices should be located: - Enter the path where you want your text invoices to be located. This defaults to a subdirectory of INVOICES\ from AS40 main directory. Path/Filename of Receipt Template: Enter the full path and file name of the RECEIPT.TXT file. This defaults to a subdirectory of HELP\ and a filename of RECEIPT.TXT. This file is used as a template and is used to create the users RECEIPT. Path/Filename of Invoice Template: Enter the full path and file name of the INVOICE.TXT file. This defaults to a subdirectory of HELP\ and a filename of INVOICE.TXT. This file is used as a template and is used to create the sysops INVOICE. Logoff Path/File Name: Enter the full name and path of a file to be shown to users when logging off that have subscribed. Opening Screen Path/Name: (Registered Only) Enter the full path and filename of your opening screen to be shown to all users. This file defaults to HELP\OPNSCR. This file may use the PCB @ color codes. Path/Filename of downloadable registration file: If you have a registration file that users can download, enter the full path and file name here. AutoScribe PCB AutoScribe Manager (ASM.EXE) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Path where ATS Checks Database should be located: If you are using the ATS checks system, enter a full path to where your ATS database files are to be placed. (CK-SEND will use this directory to find your databases that have not been sent to the ATS system). Path where PURCHASE.TXT and CHECK.TXT are located: Enter the path where a PURCHASE.TXT and CHECK.TXT files are to be located. The purchase.txt file is a file ³ NOTE: AutoScribe PCB looks for a template file called ³ PURCHASE.TXT. A file is then named "PURCHASE.NODE ³ NUMBER" and is written to the directory where you ³ indicated you wanted your invoice files placed. This file is written each time a purchased is performed and is written so that sysops may use programs like (Robert Vostrey's) TextToMsg to inform them that a purchase has been conducted. It is the SYSOPS responsiblity to delete this file when completed processing. If the PURCHASE.TXT file is not found a generic file of PURCHASE.NODE is created and written. All @ codes may be included. Use this with caution, especially if you are writing a message to yourself with the users credit card number in the text, You will want to make sure the message is written as private. Path where ATS Databases should be archived (Blank if not in use): This is the directory where the CK-SEND program will place your archived databases (in zip format) when they have been uploaded to the ATS system bulletin board. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 4) Subscription Maintenance Security Level : 51 Credits: 0.00 Expired Security Level : 13 Number of Days : 183 Reset Uploads : N Reset Downloads : N Reset Upload Bytes : N Reset Download Bytes : N Subscription Cost : 20.00 User Comment Field : Level 51 Preferred User Sysop Comment Field : Level 51 Update Expire by (0,1,2) : 2.00 Ä Press F3 to Edit Description ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ AutoScribe PCB AutoScribe Manager (ASM.EXE) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ |-- Security Level - Enter the Security level for this subscription. Security level must match one of the levels in your PCBoard allowed security levels file. (PWRD) Expired Security Level - Enter this subscriptions expired security level. This is the level that PCBoard assigns after the users registration date has passed. (Each subscription level may have a different expired level). Number of Days - Enter the number of days that this level is good for. (ie..1 year would be 365 days, 6 months would be 183 etc...) Entering a 0 here will set the users expire date to 00/00/00 which means the user has no expiration date. (Good for lifetime memberships etc..) Reset Uploads - Enter a "Y" if you want to reset the number of uploads the user as aquired previous to the purchase of this subscription. Enter "N" to leave the amount the same. Reset Downloads - Enter a "Y" if you want to reset the number of downloads the user as aquired previous to the purchase of this subscription. Enter "N" to leave the amount the same. Reset Upload Bytes - Enter a "Y" if you want to reset the number of upload bytes the user as aquired previous to the purchase of this subscription. Enter "N" to leave the amount the same. Reset Download Bytes - Enter a "Y" if you want to reset the number of download bytes the user as aquired previous to the purchase of this subscription. Enter "N" to leave the amount the same. Subscription Cost - Enter the amount in dollars (Excluding the $ sign) that the subscription cost is. (This is UNIT cost and does not contain Tax / Handling costs.) User Comment Field - If you want to change the users comment field, enter the text here. Leave blank to leave this area as it was. Sysop Comment Field - If you want to change the SYSOPS comment field, enter the text here. Leave blank to leave this area as it was. Update Expire by (0, 1, 2) - The ways the days are applied to the user is discussed below: Enter a: 0) Enter a 0 will add the number of days for this subscription to TODAYS date. AutoScribe PCB AutoScribe Manager (ASM.EXE) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1) Entering a 1 will add the number of days for this subscription to the users current expiration date. 2) Enter a 2 will apply dates in accordance with the users REGISTERED field in the users information. If the user was previously registered and a "Y" is found in the users REGISTERED field then the number of days for this subscription will be added to the users Expiration date. If there is a "N" or blank found then the number of days will be added to todays date. (NOTE: If any other number besides a 0, 1, or 2 is found, AutoScribe will default to 0) Credits - If you are using the credit system, enter the amount of credits that should be appended to the users current credits if this selection is chosen. Ä Press F3 to Edit Description ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ To enter a description of the subscription level, Press the F3 key and you will enter the editor for that level. You may use the PCB @ color codes here to create your own distinctive screens. These codes are only shown when editing the description. Database Commands F2 - Edit Current Record F4 - Set viewing order (Rec No. or Sec Level) F10 - Save Current Form ESC - Exit Record without changes PgUp - Records increase by 10 PgDn - Records decrease by 10 Ins - Insert a new record Del - Delete a record Alt+F - Search for a record Alt+R - Repeat search forward Alt+B - Repeat search in reverse order KEY OPERATIONS ALT-F - [FIND] Pressing the ALT-F key combination will allow you to enter a users name to search for. AutoScribe PCB AutoScribe Manager (ASM.EXE) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ F2 - [EDIT] When this key is pressed the Database record you are currently positioned at is placed in the Edit Mode. You then may change any field within the record. Pressing F10 when in Edit Mode will save the entries. Pressing 'ESC' will abandon the operation. F4 - [Set Viewing Mode] This key allows you to toggle between record number order or by security level. The order you are in is displayed in the lower right hand corner of the display. F10 - [SAVE] When F10 is pressed the edited fields are saved to disk. To avoid saving, just press ESC. ESC - [Abort] Pressing ESC will abort the current operation or, if you are in the viewing mode, pressing ESC will place you back at the Main Menu. PgUp - Moves you through the Database by increasing the records by 10. PgDn - Moves you thorough the Database by decreasing the records by 10. Ins - [INSERT] By pressing the Insert key when you are in the editing mode you will be able to INSERT a new record. You are automatically placed in the Editing mode once this key has been pressed. Del - [DELETE] By pressing the delete key you will delete a record permanetly from the database. AutoScribe PCB AutoScribe Manager (ASM.EXE) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 5) User Maintenance Personal Information: ³ Subscription Information: ³ Full Name : ³ Prior Registration : Street : ³ Registration Date : / / City : ³ Expiration Date : / / State/Country : ³ Security Level : 0 Zipcode/Postal Code : ³ Current Credits : 0 Home Phone Number : ( ) - ³ Previous Credits : 0 Work Phone Number : ( ) - ³ Prior Security Level : 0 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Invoice : 0 Amount : 0.00 Type: Check [ ] CC [ ] Payment Name : Company Name : Auth. Name : Drivers Lic #: Users SSN : - - Checking Information: Credit Card Information: Check Number : Credit Card Number: Routing Number : Card Type: Account Number : Expiration Date: The above information is filled in and maintained by the ASPCB online program. You may edit the information using the same keys available in the Subscription editor. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 6) Transfer Protocols ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ PROTOCOLS ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Protocol Name: Zmodem Protocol Letter: Z Protocol Name: Ymodem Protocol Letter: Y Protocol Name: Xmodem Protocol Letter: X Protocol Name: Protocol Letter: Protocol Name: Protocol Letter: AutoScribe PCB AutoScribe Manager (ASM.EXE) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ In this section you are allowed to enter 5 protocol names (These names are presented to the user) and 5 protocol letters. If do not define any of protocols users will not be allowed to download the invoice or the registration files. Example: Enter ZMODEM for the first protocol name. Enter Z for the protocol letter. You next need to create a batch file that contains the protocols call sequence. These are mostly easy to create, especially if you are using dsz. All AutoScribe Batch files are labels AS*.BAT where the * is the protocol letter. ASZ.BAT (Example) ________ if exist pcbdsz.log del pcbdsz.log dsz sz %3 -------- The file name is always passed as %3. These batch files MUST reside in the AutoScribe main directory. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 7) Pack Databases This option removes records from within the database that have been marked for deletion. Instead of removing records immediately from the database, AutoScribe will mark them for deletion and will remove them when you pack the database. Since there is no method for retrieving marked records you should pack the database each time when you delete records. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 8) Exit Program Selecting this option will close all files and exit the ASM program properly. AutoScribe PCB Using CK-SEND ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ CK-SEND is a telecommunications program that will send your checks from AutoScribe to the ATS collection bulletin board automatically every day in an event or when ever you like. CK-SEND will be found in your default AS40 directory. The only other necessary piece of software required is PKZIP which can be found on any bulletin board. PKZIP *MUST* be able to be found within your path. If not you will receive an error telling you that CK-SEND can not find PKZIP. CK-SEND will send only one database at a time so it is necessary if you create more than one database a day to place CK-SEND in a loop within a batch file. An example of a batch file used would be as follows: CHECKIT.BAT @echo off cd \pcb\doors\as40\ATS :start ck-send d:\aspcb 5 if exist *.dbf goto top This batch file first turns echoing off, the :start is a label that will tell the batch file where to go to if a certain condition is met. The next line is the ck-send command line (discussed below) and the next line tells the batch file that if any files with the extention of .dbf exist within that directory to then go to the start label and run until all the .dbf files have been remove. CK-SEND requires on a couple of command lines to operate. The structure of that command line is: CK-SEND <# of Attempts to call> <[debug]> CK-SEND is the excutable filename to be executed Path to ASPCB Dir - Place the complete path to your AS40 directory. CK-SEND must be able to find the ASPCB.CNF file # of Attempts - Enter the number of tries you want CK-SEND to attempt in connecting with the ATS system. CK-SEND will call if busy until all the number of attempts has expired. AutoScribe PCB Using CK-SEND ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ <[debug]> - This option will allow you to view what is going on underneath the CK-SEND program. Normally, CK-SEND will only show you what is happening but if you need to view the exact operation of CK-SEND you can place a 1 in this position and the screen will be split and allow you to see CK-SEND in operation and also view any errors if one occurs. Examples: CK-SEND C:\PCB\DOORS\AS40 5 (The above line will have CK-SEND call the ATS system 5 times. The home directory for ASPCB 4.0 is in the AS40 directory) CK-SEND C:\PCB\DOORS\AS40 3 1 (The above will attempt to connect 3 times before quitting. This will also turn on the debug function so you can see what is going on during the call. -------------------------- Example of CK-SEND script -------------------------- CK-SEND Copyright(C) 1995 CompuDoc Consulting (v1.0) For EXCLUSIVE use with AutoScribe PCB and ATS Systems. (Initializing Modem) Dialing ATS BBS Connecting.... Logging in as Gary Smith xxxxx! Joining Conference 10 (Success) Sending Upload Command Uploading File Description Uploading Database (via Internal Zmodem) Upload of Database Successful, Logging Off... Moved Database file to Archive |-- In the above script, CK-SEND connects with the ATS system after initializing the modem and sending the dialing string. You will see the "connecting..." string once carrier has been established. Next when your name is prompted, your Name and Password are sent to the ATS system. CK-SEND then attempts to join the apppropriate conference you set in the ASM program, upon success you will see the string "(Success)". This ensures that CK-SEND is in the right conference for the upload. Next AutoScribe PCB Using CK-SEND ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ CK-SEND attempts to inform the ATS system that it has a file to upload. Once acknowledged, CK-SEND sends the description of that file to the ATS system and then using our Internal ZMODEM will upload your Zipped Database file to the ATS System. CK-SEND will either return a successful upload or Unsuccessful upload. If the upload was successful, the Zipped database file is moved to your archive directory and the xxxxxxx.dbf file is removed from the system to avoid the possibility of uploading it again. If the upload was Unsuccessful, the Zipped Database is removed from the system and the xxxxxxx.dbf file is left intact and ready for the next attempt. AutoScribe PCB Accepting CHECKS ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ You do not have to use the ATS system to accept checks (However we highly recommend it!). In your HELP sub-directory you will find a sample CHECK.TXT file. This file can be used as a template file for your check information. This will allow you to customize a file for your check processor. The CHECK.TXT file can contain any of the ASPCB @ codes listed in the appendix. To use the CHECK.TXT system, you must select CHECKS in the configuration portion of ASM (ie, Inform ASPCB that you want to accept checks.) Under the Checking Options, ensure you select N when asked if you will be using the ATS system. ASPCB will now know that you want to accept checks and allow that capability but will not build the ATS databases. Instead, in your INVOICES directory that you defined under PATHS you will find a new file each time a member uses a check to pay for thier selection. This file will be in the format of (INVOICENO.CHK), the current invoice number and the suffix of .chk. You can then take this text file that was created from your CHECK.TXT template and send it to your own check provider. AutoScribe PCB Appendix ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ TRASHCAN: The TRASHCAN file is a text file that is located in the HELP\ sub-directory of AutoScribe. It has ONE card number per line and there should be no spaces or other characters seperating the numbers. ie.... TRASHCAN -------- 0000000000000000 1234567890123456 etc.. This file is checked each time a user attempts to enter a credit card and will not let card numbers you enter here be used. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ CHECK.TXT The CHECK.TXT located in your HELP\ sub-directory is used as a template file for the INVNO.CHK file that is created in the invoice directory. This file is created if checks are selected and ATS is not being used. See USING CHECKS above. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ PURCHASE.TXT The PURCHASE.TXT file is located in your HELP sub-directory. This file may contain any of the @ MACROS and is intended to be used as a message creating file. This file used in conjunction with TXT2MSG can be used to create a message to the sysop or user at the end of a purchase. An example follows: ----------------- PURCHASE.TXT ----------------- Message from AutoScribe 4.0x! @FULLNAME@ Conducted a Subscription Purchase On @DATE@ at @TIME@ Invoice @INVNO@ was used for writing this purchase Users NEW security level is @SECURITYLV@ Users NEW expiration date is @EXPIREDATE@ AutoScribe PCB Appendix ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ INVOICE.TXT The INVOICE.TXT file is used as a template to create the SYSOPS invoice file which will be filed in the INVOICE directory you outlined in the PATH/FILENAME section. All @ MACROS are available. For an example, look in your HELP sub-directory for the invoice.txt file provided. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ RECEIPT.TXT The RECEIPT.TXT file is used as a template to create the USERS receipt that is available for them to VIEW and download. You may place all @ MACROS within this file including the PCBOARD @ Color codes. (These codes are stripped out prior to the user downloading the receipt file). An example file is located in your HELP sub-directory. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ASZ, ASY, ASX BATCH FILES These batch files are provided and are located in your AS40 main directory. These files (See protocol section) indicate how the users receipt or your registration file will be available for download. One batch file for each protocol you offer *MUST* be present in the main AS directory an example of ASZ is provided here: --------------- ASZ.BAT --------------- @echo off if exist pcbdsz.log del pcbdsz.log dsz port %1 sz %3 (The above example will allow DSZ to be used as the protocol and will use standard port assignments, ie. COM1 or 2), the %3 is the filename passed to the batch file. An example of how to use standard and non standard comports within one machine might be like the following: IF %NODE% == 01 dsz handshake both sz %3 IF %NODE% == 02 dsz handshake both sz %3 IF %NODE% == 03 DSZ portx 3e8,5 handshake both sz %3 AutoScribe PCB Appendix ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ASTXT: The ASTXT file is the prompts file located in your main AS40 directory. It contains all the prompts available within ASPCB and can be customized. LANGUAGE FILES - ASPCB will use the appropriate ASTXT file when you append the appropriate language exten- -sion. ie, to view a german version of ASPCB you might create a translated file of ASTXT and call it ASTXT.GER, ASPCB then once detecting the user is using the german language will switch to this text file. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ VERIFY.ME The VERIFY.ME file you will find in the sub-directories is placed there by the install program to check the validity of the directories created. These files maybe deleted without consequence. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ @ MACROS AVAILABLE @FULLNAME@ Users Full Name @PROCESSOR@ Merchant Account Name @CREDITNUMBER@ Users Credit Card Number @CCNAME@ Users name on credit card @STREET@ Users street address @CITY@ Users city @STATE@ Users state @ZIP@ Users zip or postal code @HPHONE@ Users home phone @WPHONE@ Users work phone @DATE@ Todays date @TIME@ Current Time @APPROVE@ Approval number from TelePC (Only Telepc Users) @CARDTYPE@ Type of credit card (ie MasterCard, Visa etc) AutoScribe PCB Appendix ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ @CCEXPIRE@ Credit card expiration date @INVNO@ Invoice number for this purchase (###.inv) @TAXSTATE@ State to charge tax @BOARD@ Your Bulletin Board Name (Registered only) @SECURITYLV@ Users NEW security level @EXPSECLEVEL@ Users NEW expiration security level @EXPIREDATE@ Users NEW expiration date @DESCALL@ Enters ALL lines of selected item description @DESC1@ Line 1 of selected item description @DESC2@ Line 2 of selected item description @DESC3@ Line 3 of selected item description @DESC4@ Line 4 of selected item description @UNITCOST@ Item cost (Not including Tax and Handling) @TAX@ Tax amount for this purchase @HANDLING@ Handling amount for this purchase @TOTAL@ Total of UNITCOST + TAX + HANDLING @OLDSECLEV@ Users security level prior to upgrade @OLDEXPDATE@ User previous expiration date @CKTYPECKACT@ Type of checking Account (B, C, S, E) @CKCOMPANY@ Company Name (check) @CKF_NAME1@ First Name 1 (check) @CKF_NAME2@ Last Name 1 (check) @CKL_NAME1@ First Name 2 (check) @CKL_NAME2@ Last Name 2 (check) @CKAUTHNAME@ Authorized signers name (check) @CKCHECKNO@ Check Number (check) @CKROUTENO@ Routing Number (check) @CKACT@ Account Number (check) @CKMEMO@ Check Memo Field (check) @CKDLNUM@ Drivers Lic Number (check) @CKSSN@ Social Security Number (check)