PCB 15.2x DLPATH.LST to FREQPATH.DAT Converter Copyright 1996 by John Ewin - All Rights Reserved DO NOT DISTRIBUTE THIS FILE FOR PROFIT! IT IS NOT PERMITTED FOR ANY ONE TO 'SELL' DISKETTES WITH THIS PROGRAM ON IT, CHARGE FOR MAKING COPIES OF IT, OR CHARGE ANY FEES FOR THE EXPRESS PURPOSE OF DOWNLOADING THIS FILE. PCB-FREQ version 1.0 was written to fill a void in PCBSETUP - that of not being able to import any existing DLPATH.LST files for use as FREQPATH.DAT entries, thus forcing you to type them all yourself - up until now! To run, simply type "PCB-FREQ", followed by either '/Overwrite' or '/Append' (append is assumed if you don't specify any options) - depending on whether you want to replace the existing file or just add to it, then the full path & name of a single DLPATH.LST file or @list file containing the full path & name of all lists you wish to process, followed by the directory path (only!) of your FREQPATH.DAT (an ending '\' is optional). Some examples: PCB-FREQ /APPEND D:\PCB\GEN\DLPATH.LST D:\PCB\FIDO PCB-FREQ /APPEND @D:\TEMP\DLPATHS D:\PCB\FIDO PCB-FREQ D:\PCB\GEN\DLPATH.LST D:\PCB\FIDO PCB-FREQ /OVERWRITE D:\PCBOARD\DLPATH.LST D:\PCBOARD\FIDO PCB-FREQ /OVERWRITE @D:\LISTS\PATHS.LST D:\PCBOARD\FIDO The first 3 will append the first file onto the end of FREQPATH.DAT in the directory listed, while the latter two will re-write the existing one from the file listed. Those files starting with an "@" will be read for the actual files to process, rather than using it's contents in FREQPATH.DAT. While no >known< 'bugs' exist in this program, it is 'un-intelligent' about what is already in the FREQPATH.DAT file, so appending more than one directory COULD produce duplicate entries if you have paths duplicated. -For now, I leave this for you to delete manually. If you are setting up for the first time or adding many DLPATH.LST's, then you MAY want to combine these into one file, run SORT or a similar utility on it, and then remove the duplicate lines before processing with this program. (DLPATH.LST's are just simple ASCII text files, if you did not know.) As far as I know, the first two bytes of FREQPATH.DAT are always 03 00 - they have been in my tests. If your file already in existence differs, please let me know about what 'signature' yours bears (use LIST in ALT-H mode or some other hex browser) and any settings related to that file that might point to it's meaning. (This file is, as far as I know, undocumented as to it's exact format, so this program is merely patterned from the one the system I Co- Sysop built.) This program is being released as shareware, but is not crippled in any way. If you find this program of value, want any support, or wish to see a more powerful future version, I'd appreciate any token offering you may wish to send. If you only intend on using it once in a blue moon, $5 is fine. On the other hand, if you constantly change/add DL dirs., then perhaps $10 would be more fair. -However, I leave this up to you! Please send any such donations to: John Ewin 135 E. Albert Ave. Box #3 Paradise, NV 89109-9127 Bug reports may be directed to me via Internet at doctor@netcom.com or via FIDO to John Ewin@1:209/231 or 1:209/232. I also monitor PCB-Support on U'NI- net (linked to FIDO's PCBNET) and PCBOARD on FIDO. The latest version of PCB-FREQ can be obtained by FREQ'ing "PCB-FREQ" from 1:209/231 for up to 14.4K BPS or 1:209/232 for up to 33.6K BPS, or via the Internet at ftp.netcom.com /pub/do/doctor/.