Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends. 1. Now enter System Data | Pathnames (part 2) --------------------------------------------------------------------- List path Rcvd path Bad tics C:\PCB\FIDO\BADFILE\ Dupe path Auto-add C:\PCB\ Tag path C:\PCB\DL06 TMP path C:\PCB\ALLFIX\WORK Template C:\PCB\ALLFIX\TEMPLATE Billing ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Bad tics If you already have a bad packet file use it here if you want. Auto-add Where ALLFIX will create any new file directories if needed. The only time this would happen is if one of your downlinks sends in an AREAmsg request for an file area that you don't currently carry. ALLFIX will forward the request and create a new file directory here for the files that will be coming in. If there is not an entry here then ALLFIX will configure it as a pass through area and process the files, send them on and delete the packet. TAG path Where the file(s) that contain(s) the AREA TAGS is(are) kept. If you recall that in the System Data | Address Manager | Uplink Manager screen we named the AREAS FILENAME and the AREAS FORMAT. This is the directory that you'll keep those file in. I keep all these files in a download directory so that my users can download them if they want. TMP path Any temp directory will do. I have a tendency to use a differnt temp directory for any program that needs one. That way there are no accidents. Template If you did the unzip right there should be a Template sub directory in your allfix in your Allfix directory. point this entry at it. If you don't have a template subdirectory in you ALLFIX directory, make one and put all the *.APL files into it. 2. Now enter the System Data | Filenames screen ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Alias Log file C:\PCB\ALLFIX\LOG Mgr Log EchoToss Unwanted ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Log File tells allfix where to create its log file. 3. System Data | Origin lines is just that. A set of origin lines that Allfix will put at the end of any Announcements or messages that it creates. You can be a little creative here if you want. no body cares. Try to put some useful info here but don't wory about it. 4. System Data | External programs -----------------------------------------------------External Programs- ARC PKARC -a ARCE ARJ ARJ a ARJ -e -c -y LZH LHA a /tm LHA e /cm PAK ZIP PKZIP -ao PKUNZIP -o -ed 7 8 9 10 SCAN EAC --------------------------------------------------------------------- Scan can be setup to use McAfee's SCAN 5. System Data | External programs À-Options --------------------------------------------------------------------- Swapping method XMS|EMS|DISK Redirect output no No virus Errorlevel 0 Files to scan (EAC) virus errorlevel 0 (EAC) error errorlevel 0 --------------------------------------------------------------------- The first two lines are the only ones that I use. The first tells allfix to swap to XMS when swapping out to run an arciver if it is available, if XMS isn't available use EMS and if neither are available swap to disk. The second line tells ALLFIX to write the output of the Archivers to the screen. Let's me see whats going on. 6. System Data | Volume Tracking deals with billing and I don't currently charge anyone for my hubbing services, so I've never messed with it. T-T-T-Thats all, Folks Mark