FIXDLT (C) Copyright 2000 Brent Yandell This file describes the new features in recent FIXDLT releases. Please refer to FIXDLT.DOC for a basic description of FIXDLT. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ FIXDLT 1.1 New Features 01-08-2000 ] ----------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- * (Later that same day...) I didn't like how the first release was dependent on the event or the Sysop to rename the new file created by FIXDLT. This is now handled by FIXDLT along with the automatic creation of a backup of the DOWNLOAD.TXT database (DOWNLOAD.BAK). * This release now requires the name and location of the DOWNLOAD.TXT file on the FIXDLT.EXE command line. See FIXDLT.DOC * If the backup file is not desired, add /NOBAK to the command line. * FIXDLT will now correct entries until 2019 (the first version went up to 2009). While it would be easy to extend these years even further, it just simply won't be needed and each test only slows the program down. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ FIXDLT 1.0 New Features 01-08-2000 ] ----------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- * FIXDLT first released.