************************************************** Using NookMe NookMe (NookMe.EXE) is a Win32-based utility that gives you a tool for windows manipulating. With NookMe, you can: * Make windows disappear from Desktop and Taskbar. * Choose how a window minimizes or disappears. * Use Wizard Hand to select a window by mouse positioning. * Automatically hide any window on startup. * Lock hidden window using a password to prevent unhidding ( ver. 1.15 or later ). ************************************************** Starting NookMe When you start NookMe, NookMe tray icon appears. You can run only one copy of NookMe. Attempting to run additional copies of NookMe will bring the currently running NookMe dialog box to the front. NookMe is a read-only program. Using NookMe does not change program operation, but can slow program execution. ************************************************** Using NookMe dialog box To see NookMe dialog box, select 'Tools' item in NookMe tray menu. Dialog consists of four parts. 1. The list of currently hidden windows. It's used for selecting a window for further action. 2. Working area. 3. The button-command set. 4. The startup hiding management area. ************************************************** NookMe commands button-command action ---------------------------------- Show Shows window appreciated with selected string. showAll Shows all currently hidden windows. Clear Deletes selected string. APPRECIATED WINDOW STAYS HIDDEN. clearAll Clears all list. ALL HIDDEN WINDOWS STAY HIDDEN. Screen Enumerates all top level windows on the screen and sends'em to the list. Check Checks if currently hidden windows still exsist. Kill Trays to kill the window appreciated with selected string. Hilite Crosses the window appreciated with selected string several times if visible. Explor Runs 'Windows Explorer' Lock Locks the window appreciated with selected string using password (ver. 1.15). Exit Remembers all currently hidden windows and exits. Minimize Hides NookMe dialog box. About Shows NookMe credits. Help Shows NookMe help. Tools Shows NookMe dialog box. ************************************************** The Wizard Hand Tool With the Wizard Hand Tool you can instantly select a window . When you drag right mouse the Wizard Hand Tool can find disabled child windows and discern which window to highlight if disabled child windows overlap. To select a window to hide from tray: 1. Arrange your windows so that the subject window is visible. 2. Place mouse pointer above NookMe tray icon and click left button (not drag, just click and release). Mouse cursor will be changed into the Wizard Hand. 3. Move the Wizard Hand to the desired window. 4. Click above the window. Selected window has to disappear. To select a window to hide from NookMe dialog box: 1. Click right mouse on NookMe tray icon. Select 'Tools' menu item. 2. Arrange your windows so that NookMe dialog box and the subject window are visible. 3. Drag the Wizard Hand to the desired window. As you drag the tool, selected window is crossed. 4. Release mouse above the window. Selected window has to disappear. ************************************************** NookMe tray menu To get NookMe tray menu, click right mouse on NookMe tray icon. NookMe tray menu consists of two parts separated by line. Downer menu items under separator line define NookMe commands. Upper menu items display icons and titles of currently hidden windows. ************************************************** How to hide desired window Use the Wizard Hand Tool to hide desired window. To hide once hidden window again just minimize it. ************************************************** How to unhide desired window To unhide desired window just select proper tray menu item in upper part. Or select appreciated item in NookMe dialog list and then press 'Show' button. ************************************************** Hiding the window on startup To hide a window automatically on startup, once hide desired window and press 'Shift' key during hiding. Next time on boot NookMe will be started automatically, and will try to hide selected window. If you don't need to hide the window on startup any more, just clear 'StartUp hide' checkbox in NookMe dialog box. ************************************************** Registration information NookMe is marketed as SHAREWARE. To register NookMe, print out the Registration form and send US $10 (check, money order, or cash) to: Andrei Nikouline 2329 W. Main, Suite #300 Littleton, CO 80120 Upon receiving your registration, We will add you to an email mailing list to receive notification when new versions of NookMe become available. See Registration benefits for more information. ************************************************** Registration benefits Although NookMe is in no way disabled, registration of NookMe will provide you with a number of benefits. First, you will feel good about supporting the effort of shareware authors. Second, you will receive notification of future NookMe updates. Third, your comments and suggestions will receive top priority. Fourth, you will be eligible to beta test future versions of NookMe, as well as other future shareware offerings. ************************************************** NookMe Registration Form Send this form along with US $10 to: Andrei Nikouline 2329 W. Main, Suite #300 Littleton, CO 80120 Name:_________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________ City: ____________________ State: ____ ZIP: ________ Email: _________________________________________ Where did you find NookMe: _______________________ Thank you for supporting shareware. We will send you a confirmation email when we receive your registration. ************************************************** How to contact the authors e-mail: goosh@sozid.compnet.ru URL: www.halyava.ru/goosh ************************************************** Copyrights and acknowledgments Many people have helped make NookMe what it is, by making suggestions, helping test, reporting bugs, etc., but particular thanks goes to the following individuals: Jeffey M. Richer Copyright (c) Andrei Nikouline, 1997-1998