!!Use Wordwrap!! 16 May 98 256 color Wood folder set for Windows 95. Requirements: Windows 95, Winzip and Microangelo. Installation: 1. Unzip them into a directory ie: C:/windows/folders. 2. Open Microangelo and click the "folders" tab. 3. Select the first folder and click "change". A window will pop up. Click browse. Find the folder that you have used to keep Wood Folders. Click on the corresponding folder (ie: if your replacing the closed folder, click on the Wood closed folder). 4. Do this with the remaining 5 folders. 5. After you have completed this, click apply in Microangelo. 6. A window will pop up notifying you to "rebuild Icon cache"(on the file menu). Go ahead and do this. 7. Presto! You now have Wood Folders. 8. To restore the original folders, use the same process only go to the directory that your default icons were in. (On my system they're at..C:/windows/system/cool.dll - yes, Microangelo reads .dll files that have icons in them.)