Ace Ventura Windows 95 desktop theme! Requirements: 1 You need Windows 95 and Plus!. 2. You must have att least 2,5 MB free space on your hard drive. Installation: 1. Unzip the archive in your C:\Program Files\Plus!\Themes -directory with long names. 2. List of files in archive: Ace Ventura (directory) 5MINUTES.WAV (files in that AceVentura.Theme 911.WAV directory) FILE_ID.DIZ ACEGIGL.WAV LOGO.SYS AceVentura.bmp LOGOS.SYS ALLRIGHT.WAV LOGOW.SYS Arrow.cur README.TXT ASS.WAV Beam.cur Busy.cur Cross.cur DOTHINGS.WAV FREEPRTY.WAV Help.cur HUMANS.WAV ITSALIVE.WAV LKAGLOVE.WAV LOSER.WAV Move.ani No.cur OWMAN.WAV Pen.ani RE-HE-HE.WAV RIGHT.WAV Size NESW.ani Size NS.ani Size NWSE.ani Size WE.ani THANKYOU.WAV TOILET.EXE TOILET.WAV Up.cur Wait.cur YESSATAN.WAV YUMMY.WAV 40 files and 1 directory total. 3. Move LOGO.SYS to C:\. Move LOGOS.SYS and LOGOW.SYS to your C:\Windows -directory. 4. Open your Control Panel. Open Desktop Themes and select "Ace Ventura" -theme. 5. Have fun! Please send me e-mail if you like (or don't like) this theme. Let me also know, if you find any bugs. Aloen / Ari Pantsar