WHAT'S NEW FOR VERSION 3.0 1. Can now draw over 100 different standard screens. 2. Complex 3D object can be built-up from other 3D objects. 3. Default screens contain 3D objects such as airplanes, helicopter, tank, Zeppelin, fish, space station, running man, alien city, etc. 4. Images such as photographs can be displayed alone, or wrapped around 3D objects. 5. More flexibility in defining which configurations to display. 6. More flexibility in defining motions. 7. Easier configuration. 8. Can be used for slide-show presentation. WHAT'S NEW FOR VERSION 2.2 1. Documentation fixes. WHAT'S NEW FOR VERSION 2.1 1. Screen saver password protection now works on Windows 95. 2. Screen saver termination now more responsive to mouse movement. 3. Uses standard Windows menu system. 4. Multiple screens can be displayed on each activation of screen saver. 5. Fog effect. 6. Execute icon allows screen saver to be activated at any time. 7. 10 possible configurations for each 3D object. 170 possible different screens. WHAT'S NEW FOR VERSION 2.0 1. Can now draw 68 different screens. 2. Scaling of a 3D object in X, Y, and Z dimesions allows the size of the 3D object to be changed in each dimension independente of the other dimensions. The scaling factor can be configured to change as the 3D object is drawn. The is under the "Object Options" button. 3. 3 new 3D objects - Layered Sphere, Triangle, and Square. 4. 4 default configurations for each 3D object. 5. Ability to draw multiple copies of a 3D object on the screen at one time. This is done by unchecking the "Erase Before Rendering" box in "Advanced Motion Configure". 6. Rendering at a constant rate - A 3D object will be redrawn at a constant rate. This is under the "Delay" button, and allows uniform motion independent of the speed of the computer, or how large the object is on the screen.