================================================================= WinWisdom v4.4 - Copyright (c) 1992-1995 by Richard Pitts. All rights reserved. ================================================================= VENDOR LICENSING AGREEMENT: All shareware vendors are granted a limited license to distribute this software, subject to the following requirements: * You charge less than $10 for distributing this program. * You do not modify, delete, or rename any files. * You clearly explain that this software is shareware. Shareware is try- before-you-buy software. * VERY IMPORTANT: Sale of this shareware in any retail environment (i.e. computer stores and mass-market stores) requires permission from the author. Please write or E-mail me to insure you have the latest version. * PLEASE: If you distribute WinWisdom, please send me a catalog which lists WinWisdom in it. * I reserve the right to revoke this license at any time. For more information contact: Richard Pitts P.O. Box 963 Alpharetta, Ga 30239 (You may also contact me on CompuServe at [71042,1123])