0 thru 9-- refers to the number keys that appear in the top row of the keyboard. A thru Z--refers to the normal keys of the keyboard. F1 thru F16--refers to the F keys that appear at the top or to the left of the keyboard. Extended ANSI characters--See Appendix A NumPad 0 thru 9--refers to the number keys that appear on the Number Pad of the keyboard. NumPad Symbols--refers to the symbols the appear on the number pad of the keyboard. Punctuation Symbols--All punctuation symbols that appear on the keyboard. Backspace--refers to the Backspace key of the keyboard. Backtab--refers to the Shift+Tab combination that moves Tab in reverse. Beginning of Data--Moves the cursor to the beginning of a file. Beginning of Line--Moves the cursor to the beginning of a line. Cascade--Arranges the open MDI windows in a stair step fashion. The documents in Excel and Word for Windows are MDI windows. Clear--Removes selected text or item. Close--Closes the active application or dialog boxes. Copy--Coyies the selected text or item. Copy & Drop--See Appendix A Cut--Cuts the selected text or item. Character Delay--See Appendix A Delete--1.Deletes the selected text or item. 2.Deletes the space to the right of the cursor. Down Arrow--Moves the cursor down one line. Drag & Drop--See Appendix A Drop Listbox--Opens a Dropdown Listbox. Disable Button--Disables mouse buttons. Exit Windows--Closes the Windows program. Escape--refers to the Escape key of the keyboard. End--refers to the End key of the keyboard. End of Data--Moves the cursor to the end of a file. End of Line--Moves the cursor to the end of a line. Enter--refers to the Enter key of the keyboard. Explicit Selection--Toggles check boxes on or off as the Space Bar would. Edit Menu--Activates the Edit Menu of the active application. File Open--Activates the File Open dialog box that most Windows applications have. File Menu--Activates the File Menu of the active application. File New--Same as File menu, New command that appears in most Win- dows applications. File Save--Activates the File Save dialog box in the active application. File Save As--Activates the File SaveAs Dialog box in the active application. File Close--Activates the File Close command in the activate application. Help Menu--Activates the Help Menu of the active application. Help--Activates the Windows Help Manager. Home--refers to the Home key of the keyboard. Insert--refers to the Insert key of the keyboard. Left Arrow--Moves the cursor to the left one space. Left Click--The same as clicking the left mouse buitton. Left Double Click--See Appendix A Maximize--Maximizes the active application. Maximize Document--Maximizes the active MDI window. The documents in Excel and Word for Windows are MDI windows. Middle Click--The same as clicking the middle mouse button. Middle Double Click-- MDI Close--Closes a MDI window. The documents in Excel and Word for Windows are MDI windows. MDI System Menu--Activates the System Menu in a MDI window. The documents in Excel and Word for Windows are MDI windows. Minimize--Minimizes the active application. Minimize Document--Minimizes the active MDI window. The documents in Excel and Word for Windows are MDI windows. Not Programmed--Turns Whiskers off for the key combination that is set to Not Programmed. Next Application--Activates the next running application. Next Document--Activates the next MDI window. The documents in Excel and Word for Windows are MDI windows. Num Pad Enter--See Appendix A Page Down--Moves the cursor down one page. Page Left--Moves the cursor one page to the left. Page Right--Moves the cursor one page to the right. Page Up--Moves the cursor one page up. Paste--Places a copy of the clipboard contents at the cursor point. Previous Application--Activates the previous application. Restore--Restores an icon to window form. Restore Document--Restores a MDI icon to window form. The docu- ments in Excel and Word for Windows are MDI windows. Right Click--The same as clicking the right mouse button. Right Double Click-- Right Arrow--Moves the cursor to the right one space. Restart Windows--Closes Windows and restarts Windows for you. Right Ctrl Press--See Appendix A Right Ctrl Release--See Appendix A Select to Beginning--Selects everything from where the cursor is, to the beginning of the file. Select to End---Selects everything from where the cursor is, to the end of the file. Select Left--Selects from where the cursor is, left one character. Select Line Above--Selects from where the cursor is, left to one line above the cursor. Select Line Beginning--Selects text from where the cursor is, to the beginning of the line. Select Line Below--Selects from where the cursor is, right to one line below the cursor. Select Line End--Selects text from where the cursor is, to the end of the line. Select Right---Selects from where the cursor is, right one char- acter. Select Word Left--Selects the word to the left of the cursor. Select Word Right--Selects the word to the right of the cursor. Shift Left Click--The same as pressing the Shift key and left clicking the mouse. Shift Left Double Click--The same as press ing the Shift key and Left double clicking the mouse. Space Bar--refers to the Space bar of the keyboard. Switch Split Window--Switches between the sections of a window that has been split into multiple parts. The spreadsheet Excel can split the document windows. Switch MDI Window--Moves to the next MDI window. The documents in Excel and Word for Windows are MDI windows. Switch To...--Activates the Task Manager Switch to Menu Bar--Activates the Menu Bar. Switch Window--Moves to next window inside an application. System Menu--Activates the system menu in the active application. The System Menu is located in the upper left corner. Tab--refers to the Tab key of the keyboard. Task Manager--Activates the Task Manager or any Task Manager re- placement. Tile--Arranges all open MDI windows to fit equally in the main application window. The documents in Excel and Word for Windows are MDI windows. Undrop Listbox--Closes a dropdown listbox. Undo--Undoes the last action. Up Arrow--Moves the cursor up one line. Window Menu--Activates the Window Menu in applications that use MDI. The documents in Excel and Word for Windows are MDI windows. Word Left--Moves the cursor one word to the left. Word Right--Moves the cursor one word to the right. Whiskers Sys Menu--See Appendix A