ࡱ>   ܥhW e ~ ffffff  1?X]!fffff?h$ftffff'PROGRAM NAME: Visuactive VERSION: 1.1 PUBLISHER: Viewave Technologies CIS: 101351,725 Internet: 101351.725@compuserve.com WWW: http://www.coredcs.com/~visua PREFERRED BBS FILENAME: VISUACT.ZIP (LZH, ARJ, etc.) SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: 80386 or higher, Windows 95. SHORT DESCRIPTION: Powerful and innovative 32bit utility allowing users to draw commands on the screen in order to execute them. DESCRIPTION: Here is a unique, new utility allowing you to draw commands in order to execute them! Anywhere on the screen, draw a 'C' to cut some text, draw an 'S' to save a document, a 'W' to launch your favorite word processor, or create your own commands... A shape recognition system provides these unique features. Visuactive works as a TSR and can be hidden so it takes up no room on the screen. It is fully configurable, and works with all the applications on the market! Fast and easy to use, tutorial included. Shareware, native 32-bit application for Windows 95. KEYWORDS: VISUACTIVE VISUA SHAPE SYMBOL RECOGNITION SHORTCUT WIN95 MACRO UTILITY SHAREWARE 32-BIT REGISTRATION: US $19.95 REGISTERED USERS GET: Key number so shareware version becomes the registered version Free updates (new downloads, key number stays the same) Free technical support via e-mail or WWW. CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH THIS SOFTWARE MAY BE COPIED AND DISTRIBUTED: Individual users may freely copy this disk and share it with friends and family. Nonprofit groups (including user groups and BBSs) may distribute copies of this disk. A fee of no more than $6 may be charged to cover disk copying costs. If the files on this disk have dates more than a year old, we request that you contact us for a free upgrade to the current version. Disk distributers and dealers may charge no more than $10 per disk for copies of this software. If, as a distributer, you supply copies to other resellers, the end price to the user may not exceed $10. Anyone distributing copes of this software, whether for profit or as a nonprofit organization, must conform to the following: The files on each disk may not be modified or adapted in any way. All of the files provided on the disk must be distributed together (see footnote). Individual files or groups of files may not be sold separately. Additional files may be added and this software may be combined on a disk with other programs. This software may not be represented as anything other than shareware and the shareware concept must be explained in any ad or catalog that includes this software and on any packaging used to display the disk. You must immediately stop selling/distributing copies of this disk upon notice from the author. .A   u&Fa'(b-zcMNgh~./st ] 1 | p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#- 5 6   ` j k = > p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#K@Normala A@Police par dfaut  =    ' Obiwan KenobiE:\VISUACTV\VENDOR.DOC@Canon Bubble-Jet BJ-230LPT1:CANON800Canon Bubble-Jet BJ-230Canon Bubble-Jet BJ-230@f yyhh@MSUDCanon Bubble-Jet BJ-230dCanon Bubble-Jet BJ-230@f yyhh@MSUDCanon Bubble-Jet BJ-230d1Times New Roman Symbol &Arial"1!:M$! Obiwan KenobiRoot EntryONS UNDER WHICH THIS SOFTWARE MAY BE COPIE F5v,lẻ@sk aWordDocumentnd family. Nonprofit groups (includind BBSs) may distribute copies of t. ACompObjan $6 may be charged to cover disk copying cos on this disk have djd, wSummaryInformation upgrade to the ( ܥhW e  fffffff /1?0`X!9fffDocumentSummaryInformation8 Root EntryONS UNDER WHICH THIS SOFTWARE MAY BE COPIE F5v,{ẻ@sk aWordDocumentnd family. Nonprofit groups (includind BBSs) may distribute copies of t~. ACompObjan $6 may be charged to cover disk copying cos on this disk have djd, wSummaryInformation upgrade to the ( ẻ՜.+,0HP`hp x Viewave4  FDocument Microsoft Word MSWordDocWord.Document.69qOh+'0t  0 < HT\dlQEQEQERERENormalObiwan Kenobi4Microsoft Word for Windows 95@G@^|@>Cfflẻzffff'PROGRAM NAME: Visuactive VERSION: 1.1 PUBLISHER: Viewave Technologies CIS: 101351,725 Internet: 101351.725@compuserve.com WWW: http://www.coredcs.com/~visua PREFERRED BBS FILENAME: VISUACT.ZIP (LZH, ARJ, etc.) SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: 80386 or higher, Windows 95. SHORT DESCRIPTION: Powerful and innovative 32bit utility allowing users to draw commands on the screen in order to execute them. DESCRIPTION: Here is a unique, new utility allowing you to draw commands in order to execute them! Anywhere on the screen, draw a 'C' to cut some text, draw an 'S' to save a document, a 'W' to launch your favorite word processor, or create your own commands... A shape recognition system provides these unique features. Visuactive works as a TSR and can be hidden so it takes up no room on the screen. It is fully configurable, and works with all the applications on the market! Fast and easy to use, tutorial included. Shareware, native 32-bit application for Windows 95. KEYWORDS: VISUACTIVE VISUA SHAPE SYMBOL RECOGNITION SHORTCUT WIN95 MACRO UTILITY SHAREWARE 32-BIT REGISTRATION: US $19.95 REGISTERED USERS GET: Key number so shareware version becomes the registered version Free updates (new downloads, key number stays the same) Free technical support via e-mail or WWW. CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH THIS SOFTWARE MAY BE COPIED AND DISTRIBUTED: Individual users may freely copy this disk and share it with friends and family. Nonprofit groups (including user groups and BBSs) may distribute copies of this disk. A fee of no more than $6 may be charged to cover disk copying costs. If the files on this disk have dates more than a year old, we request that you contact us for a free upgrade to the current version. Disk distributers and dealers may charge no more than $10 per disk for copies of this software. If, as a distributer, you supply copies to other resellers, the end price to the user may not exceed $10. Anyone distributing copes of this software, whether for profit or as a nonprofit organization, must conform to the following: The files on each disk may not be modified or adapted in any way. All of the files provided on the disk must be distributed together (see footnote). Individual files or groups of files may not be sold separately. Additional files may be added and this software may be combined on a disk with other programs. This software may not be represented as anything other than shareware and the shareware concept must be explained in any ad or catalog that includes this software and on any packaging used to display the disk. You must immediately stop selling/distributing copies of this disk upon notice from the author. .A  VERSION: 1.2 u&Fa'(b-zcMNgh~./st ] 1 | p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#- 5 6   ` j k = > p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#p#K@Normala A@Police par dfaut    =  p#   ' Obiwan KenobiE:\VISUACTV\VENDOR.DOC@Canon Bubble-Jet BJ-230LPT1:CANON800Canon Bubble-Jet BJ-230Canon Bubble-Jet BJ-230@f yyhh@MSUDCanon Bubble-Jet BJ-230dCanon Bubble-Jet BJ-230@f yyhh@MSUDCanon Bubble-Jet BJ-230d%%QQ%%4% 01 0%0 1Times New Roman Symbol &Arial"1!} F$! Obiwan Kenobi