Function ExtractParameters (szCommandLine$) As Integer ' With Setup Studio 2.6, there is a single ' command line argument: The original path. ' So, we must give the temp. dest dir. If (szCommandLine$ = "") Then ExtractParameters = 0 Exit Function End If 'The diskette path szOriginalPath$ = szCommandLine$ 'And the system temp path (WINDOWS\~SSETUP) szBuffer$ = String$(256, 0) a% = GetWindowsDirectory(szBuffer$, 255) iZero% = InStr(szBuffer$, Chr$(0)) szTemp$ = Left$(szBuffer$, iZero% - 1) szBuffer$ = szTemp$ If (Len(szBuffer$)) > 3 Then szBuffer$ = szBuffer$ + "\" End If szWinDir$ = szBuffer$ szTempSetupPath$ = szBuffer$ szTempSetupPath$ = szTempSetupPath$ + "~SSETUP\" ExtractParameters = 1 End Function