INF Installation Tool ===================== The INFINST.EXE tool can be used to integrate INF (and related) files from the various tools directories contained within the ADMIN directory on the CD. To use this utility, first run NETSETUP and create a network installation of Windows 95. You can then use the INFINST tool to add external components-- for example, the SNMP agent (in ADMIN\NETTOOLS\SNMP)--to the netsetup tree and (optionally) force installation of the components using a batch script. When INF files are integrated into the network installation of Windows 95, the INFINST tool updates the MSBATCH.INF file that is located in the root of the network installation. If the component being integrated is an application, an entry is added to the [Optional Components] section of the MSBATCH.INF file. If the component is a network service, then the Services entry in the [Network] section of the MSBATCH.INF file is updated with the newly added service. Consult appendix D of the Windows 95 Resource Kit documentation for for information about the entries in the batch INF setup scripts.