ࡱ> z   !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy{|}~Root Entry F@;4 I+oWordDocument CompObj^.BAT files.  Clicking on "Cancel" will cancel the request and immediatley exit the program. Using RubberBoot (DOS version) I cannot stress this enough: Before using the program make sure that you back up the file called MSDOS.SYS or MSDOS.W40. Either one of these files will be hidden so you will need to configure your copy of Explorer or File Manager to show these files when browsing your hard drive. Command Line Parameters RBOOT (default) RubberBoot will ask if you wish to set the system files to boot with the operating system that is not in use. Example: issuing the command RBOOT from the old version of DOS will cause RBOOT ask if you want to start Win'95 on next bootup. The response you key in is taken immediately - that means pressing the enter after typing "y" or "n" is not needed. Pressing the "Esc" key will abort the program (the same as pressing "n"). C:\RubberBoot>RBOOT ----------------------------------------------------------------------- RubberBoot v1.10 - Central Planning (c)1996 - Running under DOS v7.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Restart in MSDOS mode upon next reboot? (Y/N)_ RBOOT WIN Forces system to boot with Win'95 upon next bootup. This command can be issued from Windows'95 in a DOS prompt or from the old version of DOS. RBOOT DOS Forces system to boot with old version of DOS upon next bootup. This command can be issued from Windows'95 in a DOS prompt or from the old version of DOS. RBOOT /? Displays the help screen from the DOS prompt. Errorlevels (DOS version) RubberBoot will exit with errorlevels which can be handy should you somehow decide to use it as part of a batch file. Here are the errorlevels explained: Errorlevel 3 RubberBoot was started with no parameters and "n" or "Esc" was pressed which caused the program to abort. Errorlevel 2 Cannot locate the file MSDOS.SYS if running RubberBoot under Windows'95 DOS or MSDOS.W40 if running RubberBoot under DOS 5.0 to DOS 6.22. Errorlevel 1 RubberBoot was given an invalid parameter. Errorlevel 0 RubberBoot was given a parameter and completed successfully or Ruberboot was run with no parameter and "y" was pressed causing it to make changes to MSDOS.SYS or MSDOS.W40. Revision History Version 1.00 Released: 08 April 1996 Initial release. Limited distribution. Version 1.10 Released: 17 April 1996 Full release. Fixed MSDOS.SYS read routines. Some people had the section headings reversed in their MSDOS.SYS. Suggestions and/or comments can be emailed to: rfrancis@magi.com --End of Documentation -- :~ d     d~ d~  d~  {{{{{{{{{{45 C vd~ (v {{{{{{{{{{ܥe#  %,l,l  a(T_daMS Sans Serif Symbol SystemTimes New Roman Arial0TerminalRubberBoot v1.10 (c) 1996 Robin Francis - Central Planning  Disclaimer THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL ROBIN FRANCIS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. What is RubberBoot? RubberBoot allows you to boot from Windows'95 or your old version of DOS by predefined choice. If you run RubberBoot from Windows'95 you will be asked if you would like to boot with your old version of DOS. You will not have to manually select your old version of DOS from the boot menu like before. Your old version of DOS will now be the default operating system and will boot without any selection on your part until you run RubberBoot again to reverse the change. RubberBoot can also be added to a Windows 3.1x program group so you will have an easy time getting back to Windows'95! When run from Windows 3.1x RubberBoot will automatically ask you if you want to default to booting Windows'95 starting with the next reboot. For those of you who don't have two copies of Windows installed, RubberBoot's DOS counterpart will allow you to set the default operating system that you want to boot from - right from the DOS prompt! If you find this program to be of use to you, consider sending $10.00 to: Robin Francis 1262 Marygrove Circle Ottawa, Ontario Canada K2C 2C9 Who can use RubberBoot? (system requirements) RubberBoot can be used by anyone who is able to boot up with their old version of DOS by pressing "F8" when the computer is starting the boot process. At this time RubberBoot has only been tested with Windows'95 and MSDOS versions 5.0 to 6.22. Who can't use RubberBoot? (things to watch for!) RubberBoot performs a DOS / Windows version check to determine which file to modify. Although I have taken precautions not to overwrite the wrong file incase of an incorrect detection, RubberBoot may behave erratically if used under versions of DOS or DOS enhancers / shells that report a version of DOS that is 7.0 or higher when not booting Windows'95. RubberBoot has not been designed for use with Windows NT. Installation Simply extract the contents of the ZIP file that you download into a directory of your choice and make a shortcut on your desktop to the program RBOOTW.EXE. Making the switch from Windows'95 to DOS is as easy as double clicking on the RubberBoot icon. Using RubberBoot (Windows version) I cannot stress this enough: Before using the program make sure that you back up the file called MSDOS.SYS or MSDOS.W40. Either one of these files will be hidden so you will need to configure your copy of Explorer or File Manager to show these files when browsing your hard drive.  Once you have doucle clicked on the RubberBoot Icon you should see a box like the one above appear on your desktop. The buttons are fairly self-explanatory. Clicking on "Yes" will force Windows'95 to shut down and reboot. When the computer reboots it will boot directly into your old version of MSDOS which will process your MSDOS versions of the CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files. Clicking on "No" will update your configuration so that the next time the system is rebooted, it will boot directly into your old version of MSDOS which will process your MSDOS versions of the CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC                                                                                                                                                                                       '2P:)9 \ ¥  9 )9 ) 9 )  @` @ ` @ @@@`@@@@@` `@``````` @` @` @` @`@ @@@`@@@@@ @ @@ @` @ @ @ @ @@@ @@@@@`@@@@@@@@@@`@ `@@`@``@`@`@`@`@@ @@@`@@@@@@ @@@`@@@@@@ @@@`@@@@@@ @@@`@@@@@ @` @ ` @ @@@`@@@@@` `@``````` @` @`ࠀ @` @` @` @ ` @ @@@`@@@@@` `@``````` @` @` @` @`45¥C j 9 )( j@K'9:A9 \ d*  9 A9 A 9 A  @` @ ` @ @@@`@@@@@` `@``````` @` @` @` @`@ @@@`@@@@@ @ @@ @` @ @ @ @ @@@ @@@@@`@@@@@@@@@@`@ `@@`@``@`@`@`@`@@ @@@`@@@@@@ @@@`@@@@@@ @@@`@@@@@@ @@@`@@@@@ @` @ ` @ @@@`@@@@@` `@``````` @` @`ࠀ @` @` @` @ ` @ @@@`@@@@@` `@``````` @` @` @` @`45*C j9 A(j4      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmn' FGHIJTUV     !     ! 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