RealAudio Player 3.0 beta

Release Notes

For the latest information, see our Home Page.

This document describes Progressive Networks' RealAudio Player 3.0 beta. The software and documentation are provided to you in accordance with your license agreement.


Supported Browsers
Audio Formats
System Requirements
Keeping Your Current Player
Sound Quality
Known Problems
Manually Configuring Your Browser
Reporting Feedback

Supported Browsers

The following World Wide Web Browsers are currently supported and configured by the RealAudio Installer.

Netscape Navigator 2.0 or later (including Netcom Netcruiser)Netscape Navigator 1.0N, 1.1N, 2.0. 3.0
Microsoft Internet Explorer 2.0 or laterMicrosoft Internet Explorer 2.0
Mosaic 2.0b3 or laterMosaic 2.0b3 or later
Spyglass MosaicMacWeb 1.0a3.2 or later
NCSA Mosaic
SPRY Mosaic
InternetMCI Navigator
Quarterdeck Mosaic
IBM WebExplorer Mosaic

You will need to manually configure any other World Wide Web Browsers using the Manually Configuring Your Browser instructions.

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Audio Formats

The RealAudio Player 3.0 beta only plays RealAudio files. It does not play .snd, .aiff, .au or .wav files. To convert an audio file to a RealAudio file, use the RealAudio Encoder, available from the Progressive Networks' Web site.

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System Requirements

Windows 3.1, 3.11, Windows 95 and Windows NT

System and hardware requirements:

The following table shows the minimum system requirements for each bandwidth:

14.428.8ISDNISDN Dual
  • 486/33 DX CPU
  • 4 MB RAM
  • 14.4 Kbps modem
  • 486/66 DX CPU
  • 8 MB RAM
  • 28.8 Kbps modem
  • 486/66 DX CPU
  • 8 MB RAM
  • 56 Kbps ISDN Connection
  • Pentium
  • 8 MB RAM
  • 112 Kbps ISDN Connection

The RealAudio Player 3.0 beta is installed in the C:\RAPLAYER directory, unless you specify otherwise. The RealAudio Installation also installs several system files into the C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory of your hard drive.

Note: For a complete list of the files that are installed, refer to the Windows 3.1 and Windows 3.11 Installation Details or Windows 95 and Windows NT Installation Details.

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The following table shows the minimum system requirements for each bandwidth:

14.428.8ISDNISDN Dual
  • PowerPC
  • 4 MB RAM
  • 14.4 Kbps modem
  • PowerPC
  • 8 MB RAM
  • 28.8 Kbps modem
  • PowerPC
  • 8 MB RAM
  • ISDN Connection
  • PowerPC
  • 8 MB RAM
  • Dual ISDN Connection

The RealAudio Player 3.0 beta is installed in the RealAudio Player folder on the Desktop, unless you specify otherwise. The RealAudio Installation also installs several files into the system folder of your computer.

Note: For a complete list of the files that are installed, refer to Macintosh Installation Details.

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Window 95 and NT Installation Details

In C:\RAPLAYER (or the directory specified during the installation):

  • RA.GIF
  • In C:\WINDOWS directory:

  • In WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory:

  • RA3214_4.DLL
  • RA3228_8.DLL
  • PNEN3230.DLL
  • PNUI3230.DLL
  • RAOCX32.DLL (if you installed the RealAudio ActiveX Controls for Internet Explorer)
  • In WINDOWS\HELP directory:

  • If you installed the RealAudio Plug-In, then in the Plug-in directory of your browser:

  • NPRA32.DLL
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    Windows 3.1 and 3.11 Installation Details

    In C:\RAPLAYER (or the directory specified during the installation):

  • RA.GIF

  • RAUN16.EXE
  • In C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory:

  • RACT14_4.DLL
  • RA3228_8.DLL
  • PNEN1630.DLL
  • PNUI1630.DLL
  • In C:\WINDOWS\HELP directory:

  • If you installed the RealAudio Plug-In, then in the Plug-in directory of your browser:

  • NPRA16.DLL
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    Macintosh Installation Details

    RealAudio Player folder(or the folder specified during the installation):

  • RealAudio Player
  • License Agreement
  • ReadMe.html
  • Notes.html
  • thankyou.ra
  • ra.gif
  • Preferences Folder in the System folder:

  • RealAudio Player Preferences
  • RealAudio Folder in the Extensions folder in the System folder:

  • PNPlayer30.lib
  • PNUI30.lib
  • RealAudio 14.4 Decoder
  • RealAudio 28.8 Decoder
  • RealAudio dnet Decoder
  • RealAudio Plugin (for Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer)
  • Your Browser's Plug-In folder:

  • Alias to RealAudio Plugin
  • NP-PPC-DIR-Shockwave folder (containing an alias to the RealAudio Xtra)
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    Keeping Your Current Player

    If you keep your current RealAudio Player or RealAudio Player Plus release 2.0 or 2.1, note the following limitation.

    If you use RealAudio Player or RealAudio Player Plus release 2.0 or 2.1 to play a RealAudio file that is encoded in one of the new 3.0 formats, you receive one of the following error messages:

    If you receive this message, switch to RealAudio Player release 3.0.

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    Sound Quality

    Windows Only: Audio is transmitted to the RealAudio Player in RealAudio format. The Player then by default produces 16-bit 8 kHz sound. If you hear garbled audio then you can change the kind of sound the RealAudio Player produces. To change the kind of sound produced, select Preferences from the View menu. Select the Advanced tab.

    If you receive poor quality audio, please see our FAQ entry on sound quality by going to and selecting FAQ. From there, select Audio Quality.

    Please note that to receive RealAudio 28.8 content you should have at least a 19.2 Kbps connection to your Internet Service Provider. Using a 19.2 Kbps connection you may hear slight gaps in the audio.

    Dial-up users should be sure to keep the network connection preference as UDP (the default). In TCP mode, no audio packets are lost, but their arrival may be late enough to cause gapping in the audio. TCP mode is useful when you are directly connected (via a local area network) to the Internet.

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    Known Problems




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    Manually Configuring Your Browser

    After you upgrade your browser, you may lose the configuration information for the RealAudio Player. The easiest way to re-configure your browser is to re-install the player. Alternatively, you can manually configure your browser:

    Viewer name:c:\RAPLAYER\RAPLAYER.EXE (Windows) or RealAudio Player (Macintosh)
    Mime Type:audio
    Mime Subtype:x-pn-realaudio
    File Extensions: .ra, .ram
    File Type:PNRM
    Homepage URL:

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    If you experience problems with the RealAudio Player 3.0 beta, please look at the documentation available on our Technical Support web page.

    The RealAudio Player uses port 7070 for TCP and ports 6970 through 7170 inclusive for UDP transmission. If you are accessing RealAudio through a firewall, your firewall administrator will need to authorize these ports. Firewall information is available on our Firewall web page.

    If you receive one of the following error messages, see Keeping Your Current Player:

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    Reporting Feedback

    We are very interested in your experiences with our products. If you have comments or suggestions, please email them to

    Copyright 1996 Progressive Networks, Inc.