This program was written for all those who have antiquated DOS machines and are unsure that the Millinium "glitch" will have an effect on the filing system. The program assures that the changeover from the year 1999 to the year 2000 is accomplished by the system clock. It will have no other effect than to slow your computer clock by approximately one second (depending on the speed of your processor). The program reads the date and time, resets it to 12-12-1999 and 23:59:59, and waits for the change. If the change reports the year 2000, it reports that you need not worry, otherwise, it tells you that you need a corrective program (Millnium.exe). The program then resets the date and time as it was. Freely circulate the program, but keep the text file with it so the user can refer to it. --- Walt Kalisty ---